The main narrator of the story
who is Scout Finch
This man, falsely accused of a crime, symbolizes the pervasive injustice faced by African Americans in the South.
Who was Tom Robinson
The main societal norm back then that was being recognized and being brought to light by the author
What was the role of racism ?
This is the reclusive figure saves the Finch children despite being shrouded in mystery and rumors.
Who is Arthur "Boo" Radley?
He defends an innocent man in a racially charged trial, risking his reputation and safety.
Who is Atticus Finch?
This symbol of innocence is used to caution against harming those who bring only good into the world.
What is the significance of the mockingbird in the novel?
This imaginative boy, spends summers in Maycomb and dreams of adventure.
Who is Charles Baker "Dill" Harris?
She is the lonely, desperate young woman whose accusation sets the trial in motion.
Who is Mayella Ewell?
This decision is the outcome of the trial, reflecting systemic bias.
What did the guilty verdict Signify
this character, who is a cook, provides both discipline and maternal care to the children.
Who is Calpurnia?
This physical trait undermined the credibility of the accusations in the trial
This inner moral compass is what our story's lawyer prioritizes above societal norms, even when it isolates him from his peers.
What role does conscience play in Atticus's decisions?
She was the green thumb neighbor, and the confidant of the narrator
Who was Miss Maudie ?
Known for his abusive and vengeful nature, this character exploits racial prejudice to cover his own misdeeds.
Who was Bob Ewell
the concept as seeing the world from someone else's perspective, often referred to as "walking around in their skin."
What is Atticus's advice on understanding human behavior?