What is the most common motif found throughout To Kill A Mockingbird?
What is racism
Is the following quote an example of an idiom, a metaphor or a paradox? " 'I helped the engineer for a while,' said Dill yawning. 'In a pig's ear you did, Dill. Hush,' said Jem. 'What'llwe play today?' "
What is idiom
What is the following quote an allusion to? "Mr. Avery said that it was written on the Rosetta Stone that when children disobeyed their parents, smoked cigarettes, and made war on each other, the seasons would change."
What is an allusion to the Rosetta Stone
What does an Indian Head Coin represent?
What is good luck
Where is the novel To Kill a Mockingbird set?
What is Maycomb Alabama
What is an example of the motif of sickness throughout the book?
What was a rabid dog, Mrs. Dubose, or Maycomb'd usual disease
What is the quote below an example of? "Walter looked as if he has been raised on fish food: his eyes, as blue as Dill Harris's, were red rimmed and watery. There was no color in his face except for the tip of his nose, which was mostly pink."
What is imagery
When Scout is talking in chapter one she says, "I’m just trying to tell you the new way they’re teachin’ the first grade, stubborn. It’s the Dewey Decimal System," what is she alluding to here?
What is the Dewey Decimal System
Define the word malevolent
What is having or showing a wish to do evil to others
What is the first thing that they find in the tree?
What is gum, or a packet of gum
What motif do both the oak tree and Boo Radley have in common?
What is the theme of mystery or mysteriousness
What literary devices are present in the following quote? "Two geological ages later, we heard the soles of Atticus's shoes scrape the front steps. The screen door slammed, and there was a pause-Atticus was at the hat rack in the hall-and we all heard him call, "Jem!" His voice was like the winter wind."
What is hyperbole, and simile
What event does Scout allude to in the first chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird?
What was the Battle of Hastings
What does yonder mean?
What is some distance away from where we are standing
When Walter came to the Finch's house for lunch, what did he put on his meal?
What was syrup
What is the definition of the word motif?
What is an object, image, sound, or phrase that is repeated throughout a story to point toward the story's larger theme
What literary divice is present in this quote? "Talking to Francis gave me the sensation of settling slowly to the bottom of the ocean. He was the most boring child I have ever met."
What is metaphor
What is Atticus refering to when he is talking to Scout about the Cunninghams in chapter two, when he says, "The Cunninghams are country folk, and the crash hit them the hardest."
What is the stock market crash of 1929 and the beginning of the Great Depression
What is an apothecary?
What is a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs
What did Mrs. Dubose leave for Jem when she died?
What was a white Camelia
Which of the following is the most important motif present throughout the whole book: racism, the oak tree, the mockingbird, or the theme of good v. evil?
What is racisim and racial prejudice
In the quote below what literary divice is Scout using alongside allusion? "Had I ever harbored the mystical notions about mountains that seem to obsess lawyers and judges, Aunt Alexandra would have been analogous to Mount Everest: through my early life, she was cold and there."
What is simile
*she is comparing her aunt to Mount Everest
In chapte 15 of To Kill A Mockingbird, what is being alluded in this quote from the text, "Called ʼem off on a snipe hunt,” was the succinct answer. “Didn't you think a’that, Mr. Finch?”
What is an allusion to a "snipe hunt", a practical joke where you would be taken into the woods at night to hunt for "snipes" bird that never actually existed?
Define the word complacency
What is a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements?
Why does Aunt Alexandra scold Atticus for talking about the trial when Cal is in the room?
What is "Because it will give them ideas."