In Chapter 1, Scout tells the reader about the Radley family. Why does the town take such an interest in the Radleys?
They do not fit in to their society; they are outcasts. Also, they keep to themselves, so no one actually knows a lot about them.
How do the Cunninghams pay Atticus for his legal services?
Goods and crops (stovewood, hickory nuts, holly, turnip greens)
The narrator who flashes back to her childhood to tell us the novel's story
"But it was a time of vague optimism for some of the people: Maycomb County had nothing to fear but fear itself" (6).
Scout (allusion shows the book takes place during the Great Depression)
unconventional; slightly strange
What does Dill dare Jem to do at the end of chapter 1?
Touch the Radley House.
What do Scout and Jem find in the knot-hole in the tree on the Radleys' property?
Gum and two pennies from the early 1900s.
Scout and Jem's father who is notable in Maycomb for his work as a lawyer
"'Don't matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house's yo' comp'ny, and don't you let me catch you remarkin' on their ways like you was so high and mighty!" (33).
Calpurnia (shows that she wants Scout to respect others)
What compromise do Atticus and Scout come to after Scout discusses not wanting to go to school?
They can continue reading together in secret from Miss Caroline as long as Scout continues to go to school.
Why do Scout's opinions change about the Radleys after she crashes into their house in the tire?
She hears laughing coming from inside the house.
The black cook for the Finch family who treats Jem and Scout as if they are her own children
"'You are too young to understand it...but sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of–oh, of your father'" (60).
Miss Maudie (shows how people can take anything and use it for good or evil, it just depends on the person)
Why does Miss Caroline not understand why Walter Cunningham will not accept her quarter?
Miss Caroline is not from Maycomb and therefore does not understand the ways of the town.
Why does Jem return to the Radley house for his pants?
He is more afraid of disappointing Atticus than he is of Mr. Radley.
The neighbor that Scout seeks advice from and confides in
Miss Maudie Atkinson
"'I'm afraid our activities would be received with considerable disapprobation by the more learned authorities'" (42).
Atticus (shows that he talks to his children like they are adults)
to do something in a way as if it is beneath you
Why does Calpurnia get mad at Scout when Walter Cunningham is over for lunch?
Scout is being disrespectful and making Walter feel embarrased.
Why does Scout go to talk to Miss Maudie instead of playing with Jem and Dill in Chapter 5?
Jem keeps making comments about her being a "girl" and she feels ignored by Dill, who recently proposed to her.
The student who only shows up to school one day out of the entire school year. His family is given special hunting permissions given their situation.
Burris Ewell
"'Says he's got the other barrel waitin' for the next sound he hears in that patch, an' next time he won't aim high, be it dog, n-, or...'" (72).
Miss Stephanie (shows the racism in Maycomb)
"get your goat"
tease; "rage bait"