Six year old narrator of the novel
Mysterious neighbor who is said to have stabbed his dad in the leg with scissors
Boo Radley
Fur trapper who founded the Finch family on Finch's landing
Simon Finch
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it"
Mr. Radley
Who does Boo Radley stab in the leg
Touches the Radley house
friend of Scout, Jem, and Dill; bakes them cakes
Ms. Maudie Atkinson
Lawyer, moved away from Finch's landing
"She likes Jem better'n she likes me anyway,' I concluded, and suggested that Atticus lose no time in packing her off."
Dill's real name
Charles (Baker Harris)
Seven year old from Meridian, comes to Maycomb every summer
Attempts to shoot Jem when he thinks someones in his yard
Nathan Radley
Yells at Scout for being able to read and write
Ms Caroline
"Scout, I'm tellin' you for the last time, shut your trap of go home--I declare to the Lord you're gettin' more like a girl every day!"
This character said Boo Radley was looking at her through her window
Stephanie Crawford
Goes to the Finch's for dinner, missed school to work on the farm
Walter Cunningham
Said to be a the neighborhood gossip
Stephanie Crawford
Lives across from Ms. Dubose, makes change in the collection plate at church
Mr. Avery
"Did you know some of 'em came out of the woods one Saturday and passed by this place and told me and my flowers we were going to hell?"
Miss Maudie
Jem said they were playing with these instead of cards
Made Ms. Caroline cry, only in school on the first day
Burris Ewell
Meanest and grumpiest lady ever, according to Scout
Mrs. Dubose
Dill's Aunt who he stays with every summer
Miss Rachel Haverford
Do-o-o Jee-sus, Dill Harris! Gamlin' by my fishpool? I'll strip-poker you, sir!"
Miss Rachel
Jack Finch