What is the main theme of To Kill A Mockingbird
What is Racial Injustice/ Prejudice
What is Scouts full name
What is Jean Louise Finch
"Mrs Merriweather played her voice like an organ: every word received its full measure" Is what Literary device
What is a Simile
What/who is an apothocary
What is "A person who makes and/or sells medications and drugs
Where are we Right now
What is Mrs. Peters' room
What theme does Scout represent
What is Innocence and Purity
What is Boo Radleys Name
Who is Arthur Radley
"When enough years had gone by to enable us to look back on them, we sometimes discussed the events leading to his accident." Is what Device
What is a flashback
What is quiet, uncommunicative
What is Jae's Last name (You cant answer this)
What is Sanchez
How is the Theme of Courage and Bravery shown in the book
The Trial and defending Tom Robinson
Atticus and the children exhibit courage and bravery in their insistence on speaking out for justice rather than going along with the status quo, even when doing so puts them at risk.
What was Mrs. Dubose addicted to
What is Morphine
"Maycomb had recently been told that they have nothing to fear but fear itself" Is what device
What is Allusion
Vapid Meaning
What is Lack of interest
What is the Name of Nathans mystical cat
Who is Bob
Mrs. Dubose and Aunt Alexandra's attitudes toward Scout and her behavior are an example of what theme in the book
What is Gender Roles
How did Scout describe Tom Robinson
What is "Velvety skin not shiny or glossy"
"The rifle cracked. Tim Johnson leaped, flopped over and crumpled on the sidewalk in a brown and white heap. He didnt know what hit him"
What is Foreshadowing
Tim Johnson sounds like Tom Robinson
Soujorn meaning
What is to stay
What is the Square root of 256
What is 16
How does the Theme of education play into the book
How they are taught to move from innocence to adulthood recurs throughout the novel at the end of the book, Scout even says that she has learned practically everything except algebra. This theme is explored most powerfully through the relationship between Atticus and his children, as he devotes himself to instilling a social conscience in Jem and Scout.
What is the name of the child that Mrs.Caroline sent home on Scouts first day of school
Who is Burris Ewell
What type of Literary device is the quote
"But remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." "Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy."
What is a Symbol
The mockingbird represents innocence because it doesn't do anything wrong. The book is titled to kill a mockingbird because it is about the trial of tom robinson who is innocent.
Quibbleing meaning
To argue over trivial or unimportant matters.
A modern version would be something like "They were having a petty squabble?"
Which Staff members where in the Military
Excluding Kresner
Who are Mr. Mchugh Mr Williams and Mrs. Silvero
*There are More I just cant recall them*