Active Promotion
All the Write Stuff
Friends to the End
The Art Part
The Other Stuff
An opportunity to have a library-themed float and walkers handing out your SRP calendar
What is a parade
A basic, written tool for communicating messages to the media. You will use it for your SRP and individual programs.
What is a news release
These people all contribute to the success of your SRP
Who are coworkers (colleagues, fellow staff, etc.)
This addition to the Make A Splash: Read program makes creating colorful flyers easy.
What is clip art
If you put a sticker on this, reminding parents to bring their student to your summer reading program, parents are almost guaranteed to see it.
What are report cards
A place where you might have a library booth and snack on cotton candy
What is a fair
The last line of a news release contains ___ or this number, flanked by hyphens
What is 30
This group of people, outsiders with “inside knowledge,” can be ambassadors in the community for library summer programs.
Who are volunteers (or trustees, or Friends)
This type of promotion sets the atmosphere for more relaxed enjoyment of library services and activities.
What are decorations (or displays)
Have this at your children’s desk to draw kids over to examine it – and then talk with you.
What is a conversation starter
People come here to buy fresh produce. Set up a library table and they can also feed their brain.
What is a farmers market
Who, what, where, when, why are known as this and used as the framework for news releases.
What are the 5 w’s
Attend this, give your pitch for your SRP, and more students will be encouraged to participate.
What is a teacher's meeting
Libraries take special care to be sure that teens and kids with one of these can move freely amidst summer decorations.
What is a disability
Don’t exchange sweaters; exchange this with your community kindred spirit non-profit
What is a web link
Go where the girls (and boys) are – and get them excited about coming to the library this summer.
What is a school visit
Radio stations must provide free time to air these, and you can create one on your SRP.
What is a public service announcement
If you have a visually appealing program, like dancing dogs or costumed Chinese dancers, you should contact the media so that stations can send this to your program.
What is a photographer? (or What is a cameraperson?)
Crafting this bold, bright statement can help teens feel part of a group, express their artistic side, and help the library express a summer reading program theme.
What is a mural
Ask these groups to spread the word to their members about your summer reading program, or to give you in-kind or financial support.
What is a service club
Have a clown, have a magician, have a band, have a ball at this event that’s held to attract teens and kids to the coming summer reading program.
What is a kickoff
Keep this up to date, or risk having your promotional writing end up in the dead letter bin.
What is your list of media contacts
These folks love to be invited to your library
What are politicians
Have circulation staff distribute this to everyone who checks out materials as a way to advertise your summer reading program.
What is a flyer (or bookmark, or calendar)
The importance of having their offspring read over the summer is the topic of this piece, handed out at programs or sent through schools.
What is a letter to parents