Where did the couple meet?
~from chapel to the chapel~
What club was kennedy president of in high school?
FCCLA - alternate answer FCA
What color palette did kennedy choose?
- pink
- rainbow
What job is he known for?
Arborist - any answer about trees accepted
Ring by when?
Who said “I love you” first?
Favorite color?
When did they get the marriage license?
Favorite sport?
disc golf
Where did they buy their house?
Little rock
The couple‘s favorite date night is…
(if this is wrong it’s jonathan’s answer)
new testament or old testament?
Baby fever! How many kids? (not now but like later)
k-3 j-5 so I say 4!
Favorite movie?
What is the best man’s name?
Where was their first date?
Favorite thing about jonathan?
My favorite thing is hard. But i’d have to say how he is so wise. He seems to know exactly what to do in every situation. His wisdom allows him to be so selfless and he always relates everything to Jesus. It also allows him to be so loving.
But if you need a sillier one, it would also be how utterly goofy he is. It’s a secret goofy that not everyone gets to see. But around me he can be so goofy. When we are together he can act like he has no fears. He’d do pretty much anything to make me laugh and wouldn’t care a bit how people are seeing him.
Where is the honeymoon?
Fort Lauderdale
Favorite thing about ken?
her snarky laugh (he said it)
What church do these two attend?
When did they start dating?
October 21, 2021
What is kens enneagram #
How many guests will be in attendance?
His #1 love language
acts of service
How many dresses did kennedy try on