physical and psychological need for a substance or behavior
What is addiction?
experimentation, regular use, tolerance, dependence, and addiction.
What are the stages of substance use disorders?
Counterfeit prescription medications sold on the street have been found to contain small but, powerful amounts of this synthetic drug.
What is fentanyl?
A chemical in marijuana that affects parts of the brain related to concentration and memory.
What is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)?
Genetics, mental health, and social influences.
What are factors affecting substance use and addiction?
influence that people your age or status have on your actions
What is peer pressure?
People use drugs or alcohol "just to try it."
What is experimentation?
like the stimulant drugs they mimic this drugs contains chemicals called cathinones, which cause hallucinations, paranoia, and a dangerous increase in heart rate.
What is bath salts?
Experts say teens should consume how many milligrams of caffeine a day.
What is 100 mg?
Some young people use substances to manage their mental health.
What is called self-medication?
reminders that cause people to feel a strong desire for a substance.
What are triggers?
Substance use may cause pleasant pleasant feelings and consume a substance regularly to have those positive feelings.
What is regular use?
Drugs made of dried plant leaves sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids that can cause dangerous health problems, including heart attacks.
What is K2 and spice?
People who use marijuana before age 18 are how likely to develop a dependence and feel withdrawal symptoms when not using it?
What is 4-7 times more likely?
Media messages affect the use of substances. What percentage of ads that people are exposed to are from the internet?
What is 35.8%?
body's need for an increased amount of a substance to experience effects once felt with smaller amounts
What is tolerance?
Taking substances, such as medicines, in ways not intended.
What is misuse?
Both legitimate and illegal synthetic opioids can pose a high risk for what?
What is addiction and overdose?
Products containing nicotine can weaken this body system, making you more prone to develop cancerous tumors.
What is the immune system?
Young people may imitate the behaviors of their peers on social media. This is because they believe their peers are using substances when in fact many do not use substances. What kind of peer pressure is this?
What is indirect peer pressure?
effect that occurs when the body needs an addictive substance in its system to function normally or avoid cravings and anxiety
What is dependence?
Using substances in ways that have negative effects on a person's life is called.
What is abuse?
Most drugs--even the ones that help people are synthetic, but now synthetic drugs are also being made how?
What is in illegal or unregulated laboratories?
Nicotine addiction can drain your wallet, estimated cost in year can be what?
What is $1920?
Having a family history of a substance use disorder increases a person's risk. This is due to what?
What is genetics?