Burning A Hole In Your Pocket
So You Know
Oregon Tobacco Facts
Tobacco Industry Tactics

The tobacco industry makes the most money - $250 million each year - selling cigarettes to this age group which has the lowest income?

What are minors?


 Nicotiana tabacum is what?

What plant tobacco is derived from?


The number one preventable cause of death in the US.

What is tobacco use/smoking ?


This is the year did Oregon first pass a law to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco and vaping products to 21?

What is 2018?


This industry spent $23 million per day or almost $1 million an hour In 2020.

What is tobacco industry?


This is how much you are paying per pack of cigarette, if in one year you spend $3650.

What is $10 a pack.

Smoking a pack a day causes a hormonal imbalance in women which can result in this unwanted facial feature.
What is facial hair?

In the US, the tobacco industry must recruit 5,000 (about 2 million a year) new smokers each day to replace those who do this.

What is those who have died?


What state agency is responsible for tobacco prevention and control in Oregon?

What is OHA?


Name one way the tobacco industry targets marginalized communities.

What is placing more advertisements in low-income neighborhoods?

If you smoke this number of packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years you would have spent enough to buy a custom Porsche
What is two?
Chewing tobacco, known to cause mouth cancer, can result in the surgical removal of what part of the body?
What are lips, tongue and gums? (answer can be any one of these)

The number of people in US according to CDC that die each year from tobacco related causes.

What is (more than) 480,000?


What measure did Oregon voters approve of in 2020 that increased tax on tobacco products?

What is measure 108?


What type of marketing did the tobacco industry heavily use to promote smoking as glamorous?

What is movie placements or celebrity endorsements?

These are the two forms of smokeless tobacco.
What are snuff and chew?
The condition when your gums are pulling away from your teeth as a result of using spit tobacco.
What is gum disease?
What level of second hand smoke is safe?
What is none?

Which Oregon governor signed the law raising the tobacco age to 21?

Who is Kate Brown?


What is the name of the legal agreement that restricted tobacco advertising on television?

What is the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1970? 


Formerly Philip Morris Companies Inc., this company is a parent company that owns Philip Morris USA, John Middleton, Inc., and U.S. Smokeless Tobacco. this company is also behind popular brands like Marlboros, Virginia Slims, and Parliaments.

What is Altria ?

If a woman smokes during her pregnancy, what risk does she run for her baby?
What is low birth weight or premature?

This type of newer tobacco product was obviously aimed at youth as it resembled candy.

What is flavored tobacco? 


In what year did Oregon first pass a smoke-free workplace law?

What is 2007?


What addictive chemical is found in tobacco that makes quitting smoking difficult?

What is nicotine?