Write Elefant on English?
it a Elephant
what colors is Denmark soccer clothes
it is red and white
what does Anton play the most
it is FIFA
what is the largest country
it is russland
what is the dangerous Animal on earth?
it a mosquito
what is the worst national team in soccer
it is San Marino
what does lucas play the most
it is brahalla
what flag does have red white blue
it is france
which Animal look like an human?
it a monkey
what is the most expensive football tournament
it is the VM
what does Tomas HD play
he plays Fortnite
what is the largest continent
it is Asia
what is the smallest Animal on earth
it a mosquito
what is the worst national team in soccer
it is San Marino
what is the most popular game
it is PUBG: Battlegrounds
what is the biggest Animal on earth
it a blue whale
what is the oldest team in soccer
it is Sheffeld F.C
what is the most expensive game in the world
it is super mairo bros
what is the smallest country
it is Vatican