This person induced generational trauma from forced viewing of the film, "Finding Nemo".
Who is Connor Bower?
What is the Pokémon catchphrase?
What is, "Gotta Catch 'Em All"?
Which Female Artist is infamously known as, "The Queen of Christmas Music"?
Who is Mariah Carey?
Who did I say this to;
"What are those on your arms?"
Who is Nana Tess?
Which country has the highest life expectency?
What is Hong Kong?
This person is solely responsible for the destruction of Castaway Resort's plumbing.
Who is Joshua Wright?
The word 'Pokémon' is an abbreviation of the Japanese term 'Poketto Monsutā. What is the meaning of this word?
What are Pocket Monsters?
Which Britney Spears songs have hit No. 1 (Hint: There are 2)?
What are “…Baby One More Time” and “Womanizer”?
What is my favourite Animal?
What is the Honey Bee?
What bird has asymmetric ears (ears on different heights on their skulls)?
What is the Owl?
Who is responsible for the quote; "Thankth Theloni"?
Who is Leinani Wright?
What was the first Pokémon Ash caught in the First Season of the Pokémon Anime?
What is Caterpie?
Which classical composer was deaf?
Who is Ludwig van Beethoven?
Double Down: How many Fast and Furious films have I watched?
What is 0?
What blood type has no anti-gens?
What is Type O?
Who is Suva's best and most renowned high jump champion?
Who is Emma Louise?
What Pokémon in the First Season of the Anime did Misty own that did not exist in Generation 1 (Red and Blue)?
What is Togepi?
Who was labeled as the Artist of the Decade (2010-2020)?
Who is Drake?
What was my most common sickness when I was growing up?
What is Bronchitis?
What is 4 (Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda)?
Double Down: Which of the Grandchildren (excluding Aunty Rissa's children) did not own a Fufu/Clean-Nappie? (Hint: There can be multiple).
Who are Emma Louise and Joshua Wright?
How many Pokémon are currently recognized in the Pokédex? (Closest Answer Wins)
What is 898 Pokémon?
What is the most popular MTV Music Video?
What is "Thriller" by Michael Jackson?
What is my dream job? (Closest Answer Wins)
What is Concept Artist?
What are the first three books of The Old Testament? (Most Right Wins)
What is Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus?