Ptop Etiquettes
Payment arrg
Call Handling
General questions

What is the minimum % of arrg we can take ?




 Promise-to-Pay (PTOP)


Warm transfer calls MUST NOT be made to ?

General Insurance or Life Insurance due to the Bank Act; however, calls can be warm transferred to Insurance Advice for Balance Protection Insurance (BPI) and to Assurant for Retention.


What is your cost center ?


  1. Humide à l'intérieur, avec des poils dehors, je commence par la lettre C, qui suis-je ?

Une noix de coco


follow these requirements for accounts over 30 days past due:

a. A maximum of 2 PTOP's are to be set. b. First PTOP should be within 14 calendar days. c. Final PTOP must not exceed 30 calendar days.


What need to be confirmed with the customer and clearly documented in the notes ?

The date, amount and method of the payment


Leave a message on the voicemail including the following:

  • The first and last name of the person you are leaving the message for.
  • The business group you are calling from (TD, TD Bank, TD Canada Trust, TD Auto Finance, TD Helps or MBNA).
    Note: It is Best Practice to specify that you are calling from Customer Assistance
  • The toll-free number to call back. You may leave the hours of operations refer to CA – Hours of Operations [doc] as applicable.

Who is your TM ?

Patrick DeGuire

  1. Je me lève quand je suis content, mais je suis plus petit que le reste, qui suis-je ?

le pouce


A promise can be altered by another agent when:

a. There is a change in the payment date ( by more than 2 days) b. There is a significant change in the PTOP dollar amount of $ 50 or more


Wich methode of pmt is not accepted ?

  • Post-dated cheques are not accepted

Tell me 1 question A and 1 question B

See following procedures pages : authentication 


What is the first Page you should have open when you login ?

CA home page 

  1. David et Pierre jouent aux échecs. Ils ont fait 5 parties, mais les deux en ont gagné 3, comment est-ce possible ?

Parce qu'ils jouent contre d'autres personnes.


What is an LTA ?

LOong terms arrg ( more than 2 ptop)


What are the the 6 differents way to make arrg ?

outlook reminder 

Payment express tools 

Live pmt 

Online pmt 

At TDCT branch will call in 

Western Union 


tell me some :Misrepresentation/False or Misleading Information that can be provided to customer 

  • Do not misrepresent the purpose of a communication in respect of the collection of a debt with any person or give, directly or indirectly, by implication or otherwise, any false or misleading information in the course of that communication

  • Do not directly or indirectly mislead, threaten, or state an intention to proceed with further action if the bank does not actually intend to do so


What is the name of your COE 

Bahrat Masrni

  1. Je suis entouré de poils et je suis au milieu. J'ai une ouverture que tu peux voir qui s'ouvre et se ferme, qui suis-je ?

Un oeil 


As per Debt Collection Practices (Credit Business Practices Regulations), you need to ensure to communicate what ?

any regular payments that are due within the repayment period.


What is the Consequence of Delinquency: 

As a best practice if the account is over 30 days delinquent or may be at the end of the month, educate the customer on the importance of making payments on time and how doing so can better their credit bureau score.


What do you need to tell the customer If the customer still refuses to end the recording ?

I'm sorry, but as you have not agreed to discontinue recording this call, we are unable to continue, and I will be disconnecting this call. Thank you for calling [TD Canada Trust/TDAF/MBNA].


Who is the beat teacher Ever 

Jennifer Michaud-hamel 

  1. Je suis une partie de l'être humain capable d'augmenter par 9 sa taille, qui suis-je ?

La pupille