True or False
Health Care
Categories of Health Care Agency
Who is Who?
Health Care Team
The leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the US today is medical expenses.
What is True?
What are the current methods of payment for Health Care?
What is private insurance, medicare, medicaid, or personal payment?
What are the four major categories of health services?
What is health promotion and maintenance, illness prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and rehabilitation and long term care?
this individual is responsible for the overall daily operation of an agency and usually works with a Chief Operating Officer if the agency is big?
What is CEO?
This person is responsible for medical diagnoses and interventions to restore patient's health.
What is Physician?
The US and South Africa are the only two industrialized nations that do not provide universal access to health care to all of their citizens.
What is True?
What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
Medicare is for people who are 65 years or older regardless of their income administrated by the federal government. Medicaid is for the low income, elderly, blind, and disabled individuals administrated and funded by federal and state government.
Where does early detection fall in place for the 4 major categories of health care services?
What is Health Promotion and Maintenance?
Which of the following is not consider a medical staff? A) Resident Physicians B) Physician C) RN
What is C?
This professional emerge in the last 30 years that are to perform many functions as a physician but are not called a physician?
What is PA?
Pharmaceuticals, Health insurance, and medical equipment industries, American Medical Association did not lobby against health care reform?
What is False? They did lobby against health care reform when President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton led a bipartisan effort to improve access to health care.
Who accredits Health Care Agencies?
What is The Joint Commission or the Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program
Name an agency that focuses on health of all US citizens.
What is Federal?
The Chief Nurse Executive must have a degree in...
What is a Master's Degree in Nursing or Business or Health Adminstration?
Name five professionals that may contribute as a health care team?
What is technologist, respiratory therapists, social worker, therapists, administrative support personnel, pharmacists, dietitians, licensed practical nurses, unlicensed assistive personnel, PA, physicians.
Not for profits agencies make no profit at all.
What is False?
Why is there no longer price sensitivity in the health care system?
What is the third party payment that removed the price sensitivity from the concern of most health care consumers will only pay a small portion of it and the rest will be taken care of by the third party (employer, insurance company, or government)
What classifies as a secondary care service? A) cancer B) HIV management C)doctor's visit
What is B?
Who consists of the nursing staff?
What is RN, LVN, UAP and clerical assistants?
Name one delivery model of nursing care that needs ongoing communication and commitment? Name one advantage for the model?
What is Team Nursing (potential for building team spirit, provides comprehensive care, each worker's abilities used to the fullest, promotes job satisfaction, decrease nonprofessional duties of RNs)
An advanced and experienced nurse hold positions as CEO and board of directors in an agency.
What is True?
What was passed once President Barack Obama's took office?
What is the State Children's HEalth Insurance Program? Allowing coverage for 4 million additional children more.
An AIDS patient would be under which category of service and what level?
What are rehabilitation and long term care and secondary care service
Who signed in the Affordable Care Agency in 2010?
What is President Barak Obama Included protection from consumers from abusive insurance company practices, denial of preexisting conditions, young adults (up to 26 years old) could be added to their parent's insurance.
Who does the nurse educate regarding medications, treatments, and rehabilitation needs?
What are the family and patient?