Physical Development
Cognitive Development
Social Development
Emotional/Sexual Development
Developmental Red Flags and CAN effects
What are some barriers that may cause toilet training problems?
unrealistic expectations, child has constipation issues, or parents begin toilet training too early which becomes a battle between parent and child
What is the age that a child will have an expressive vocabulary of several words?
12 months
What is the age that a child typically listens to a story?
2-3 years old
A Toddler's curiosity extends to the differences between boys and girls and mommies and daddies are called what?
Gender Roles
What area of development of CAN is the following sentence: Failure to form attachments or reciprocal connectedness to primary caregivers?
What are the physical development characteristics of children between 2-3 years old?
Runs, kicks, throws a ball, dress self, or begins to control bowels.
What is the age that toddlers begin to enjoy simple songs and rhymes?
1-2 years old
Children 2-3 years old fear loud noises, quick moves, large animals, and mother's departure? True or False
How does CAN effect toddler sexual development?
Child develops excessive fear around toilet training, sexualized language, may speak of sexual things, excessive masturbation, or may engage other children in similar behavior
What are some indicators related to developmental lags in ages 1-2?
withdrawal, fearfulness, finger sucking, lack of interests, excessive temper tantrums, uncontrollable hitting, biting, and/or smearing of feces.
What are the potential risk factors for CAN that can heighten stress and conflict within the family of a child aged 1-2?
Autonomy, Toilet Training, or exploratory behavior
What could be the cause if a toddler demonstrates little initiative, short attention span, lower developmental scores, flat affect and separation distress?
Exposure to chemicals
How does CAN effect toddler social development?
May fail to form attachments or connectedness to primary caregivers, lacks discrimination of significant people, or fails develop mature play skills.
What is it called when an adult should be looking after a child, responding to the needs of a child, not using corporal punishment, giving positive reinforcement, and using patience in understanding a child's needs?
Behaviors for effective parenting
What area of development is it when there are physical delays or disability, poor muscle tone, motor control?
Physical development
What is culturally driven regarding age and method?
Toilet Training
What is the age group of the developmental red flags of frequent falling, unclear speech, inability to communicate short phrases, failure to understand simple instructions, little interest in other children and extreme seperation from mother?
2-3 years old
What occurs when children are too ego-centric, or self-centered to share, let alone understand another child's perspective?
Parallel Play
What is the term used to explain a toddler's curiosity and his/her body, bodily functions, gain control over body and may include behaviors such as masturbation?
Body Exploration
What are the developmental red flags of children ages 1-2 years old who have cognitive delays?
cannot walk by 18 months, does not speak fifteen words by 18 months, does not imitate actions or words, and cannot push a wheeled toy is an issue during what age range
Children 1-2 years old can feed self with a spoon or fork? True or False
False 3-4 years old
What is the effect of CAN on toddler cognitive development?
Absence of stimulation interferes with growth and development of brain, brain damage from malnutrition can lead to mental retardation, can cause speech and language delays, may not speak at all, or may not master basic concepts such as object permanence and/or problem solving skills.
What are some important cues to keep in mind when completing an assessment in the home of a toddler?
Child may believe they are “bad”, may exhibit language and speech delays, or may not engage in reciprocal interactive play.
Toddler's are a high risk population due to their need to develop autonomy? True or False
According to Erik Erikson, what are the negative outcomes of a toddler’s failure to develop autonomy?
Shame and Doubt