What is the name of the sarong that this line comes from?
There once was a ship that put to sea
What is the actors name of Cat valentine from Sam and Cat/ Victorious?
Arianna Grande
What musical is spot from?
What does Accelerando mean?
getting faster
What is special about Jazz?
Jazz has all the elements that other music has: It has melody; that's the tune of the song, the part you're most likely to remember. It has harmony, the notes that make the melody sound fuller.
What opening does this line come from?
We are fighting dreamers
GO!!! From Naruto opening 4
Who played Jack Kelly?
Christian Bale
What musical is Eleanor Parker from?
Sound of music
What does Arpeggio mean?
It means a set of chord notes broken
What is special about pop rock?
They have a good rhythm, a catchy melody, and are easy to remember and sing along to.
What is the name of this song from the line?
Sa ma rend fou
Je joue de la music
Who played Sophie from Mamma Mia?
Amanda Seyfriend
What musical what Harold Hill from?
Music man
What does Cantata mean?
A choral work that uses solo voices with an instrumental (usually orchestral) accompaniment. A cantata is generally a choral work of some length that also uses solo voices, usually with instrumental accompaniment. The texts used may be sacred or secular. Some cantatas use solo voices without chorus or choir.
What is special about Sea shanties?
“What you have with sea shanties is something that that is almost moving you backwards and forwards in a very rhythmic sense. It's taking you away and it's bringing you back and it's taking you away and it's bringing you back.
What is the name of this song from this line?
I torture you
Sucker for pain
Who played Spot in newsies?
Gabriel Damon
What musical was this fact from?
Julie Andrews Kept Falling Over During The Mountain Scene.
Sound of Music
What does Coda mean?
The tail end of a piece of music.
What is special about Classical music?
Classical music is noted for its development of highly sophisticated instrumental musical forms, like the concerto, symphony and sonata. Classical music is also noted for its use of sophisticated vocal/instrumental forms, such as opera.
What is the name of this song from this line?
Lost souls and revelry
Who played the baroness in Sound of music?
Eleanor Parker
What is the name of the musical that has this song? Here I go again
Mamma Mia
What does Diminuendo mean?
A dynamic instruction meaning to gradually play quieter.
What is special about Funk music?
Funk features strong bass lines, or music lines played by low-pitched instruments and has a heavy syncopated beat, meaning a beat with emphasis changed from strong beats to off beats and accents.