Word Counts & TOEFL Speaking
Independent Essay
Phrases and Speaking the speaking section
Integrated Essay

According to ETS/TOEFL resources, how long should your TOEFL integrated essay be?

150 to 225 words; 280 to 300 words.


According to our template, what is type of sentence should come at the beginning of each of your independent essays? Bonus +100 pts, what is the phrase that TOEFL resources recommends you begin this sentence with?  

A hook; "It is critically important that…"


What is a synonym for ‘for example’?

For instance


In the integrated essay, how long do you have to do the reading, and how many times can you listen to the lecture?

3 mins; once


What is the point of skimming? How do you do it?

We skim to get the generals idea of a text.

Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph.


True or false: You should focus on main ideas instead of little details (eg dates, names).



According to ETS/TOEFL resources, how long should your TOEFL independent essay be?

250; 380 to 400


According to our template, what is the structure of the 3-sentence introductory paragraph of the independent essay? 

Hook, State thesis/Main pt., Transition


What is the format for speaking question 4, timings, and what should you take notes on?

Lecture only; 20 sec. prep, 60 sec. speaking; take notes on everything said.


What should you take notes on in the reading and the lecture? (hint 4 things in each, and they are the same!)

Main pt, S1+detail(s), S2 + detail(s), S3 + detail(s)


True or false: it is a bad idea to start a TOEFL Reading section by just trying to answer the questions (ie you don't read the full text first)? 

F, it's a great idea!


True or false: in the listening section, you will listen to...

a. conversations between students

b. conversations between students and university staff

c. lectures

F: only B and C


How long do you have for each response to the four different TOEFL speaking questions? (Please state the exact response time for each question.)

45 secs, 60 secs, 60 secs, 60 secs.


According to our template, what is the structure of the body paragraphs of the independent essay? (Hint: 4 parts)

  1. Topic sentence with reason 

  2. Explanation of supporting reason 

  3. Transition to example

  4. Example


What is the format for speaking question 3, timings, and what should you take notes on?

Reading about a specific academic term/concept; 30 sec. prep., 60 sec. speaking; write definition of term and take notes on professor's one or two examples


True or false: the points made in the lecture sometimes support the points made in the reading.

F! They always oppose the reading. 


1. How many parts are in the reading section (HINT: there's a range)?

2. How much time do you have to do each part? (HINT: it's the same amount of time for every part.)

3. How many questions are usually in each part?

1. There are 3 to 4 parts in the reading section. 

2. You have exactly 18 mins for each part. 

3. 10 questions in each part.


What are five things that you should pay attention to in the listening section?

eg (1)main ideas/topics, (2) how ideas fit together / relationships between ideas/transition words, (3) student's problem, (4) professor's opinion, (5) student's attitude, (6) reasons, (7) examples, (8) definitions


How should you ALWAYS sound during TOEFL speaking?

Natural and conversational (TST Prep)


According to our template, what is the structure of the independent essay conclusion?

S1: Paraphrase main pt

S2: This is because _______ (paraphrase R1) and because ___________ (paraphrase R2). 


What is the format of speaking question 2, timings, and what should you take notes on?

Read a campus announcement, listen to a conversation between a man and a woman talking; when reading, take notes on the main idea and reasons for the change; when listening, take notes on the person who is speaking the most, ie the one who has the strongest opinion and their specific reasons for supporting or opposing the idea in the announcement.


According to the template, what is the structure of the integrated essay's introduction? (Hint: 3 or 4 parts)

1. Say what reading and lecture are both about

2. Say reading's main pt

3. Transition to lecturer's main pt

4. Lecturer's main pt


What is scanning? Can you give an example of something you might scan for in TOEFL reading?

Scanning is searching/looking for a specific word or term. For example, when you are quickly looking through a text to find a key word. 


What do these symbols mean:

1. NB

2. A <----> B

3. ie

1. Remember this

2. Two ideas are 'Connected / Interrelated'

3. In other words


How many words should you aim to say in your response to each TOEFL speaking question? (Please state the approx. word count for each question; +/- 10 words is fine.)

Speaking question 1: 120 

Speaking question 2: 150

Speaking question 3: 140

Speaking question 4: 140


Complete the phrase with the missing words that we use to start the conclusion on our template:

____________ ____________, I am ____ ______ opinion that...

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that...


What are the three criteria that the rater (ie examiner) uses to evaluate your speaking?

Delivery, language use, topic development


According to the template, what is the structure of each body paragraph?

(1) state a supporting point/theory from the reading, (2) add a supporting detail or two from this pt

(3) transition to lecture's opposing pt

(4) state the opposing point

(5) add a supporting detail or two from this pt


How do you find key words in TOEFL reading questions?

Look for words that stand out in the questions. e.g. numbers, long words, or words that are peculiar to that question and are not found in the rest of the text.


Draw the abbreviations for 

(1) therefore

(2) without

(3) leads to

(4) change

1. ∴

2. w/out

3. -->

4. ∆