Together in Quote: name the author
Together in Song: name the title
Together in Media: name the title
Together in People: who is it
Together in Food

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

Who is "Neil Armstrong?"


"You just call on me, Brother, when you need a hand.  We all need somebody..."

What is "Lean on Me"?


T.V. special aired during the coronavirus quarantine in which celebrities/artists shared music and messages from their homes.

What is "Together at Home"?


This beloved game show host has hosted an entertaining game show since 1984 and still continues even with a cancer diagnosis.

Who is "Alex Trebek"?


When each invitee brings a dish of their choice which causes a mixture of different foods to a social gathering.

What is "Potluck"?


"I have a Dream."

Who is "Martin Luthor King, Jr.


"I see friends shaking hands saying 'how do you do.'  They're really saying, 'I love you'."

What is "What a Wonderful World"?


A dramedy set during War in which the characters helping the fallen use humor to escape the challenges of their situation.

What is "M*A*S*H*"?


A missionary who left the convent to help the poor and is now honored as a Saint.

Who is "Mother Teresa"?


The most iconic food in Texas cuisine that brings people together to cook and serve it.  Competitions are held often to see who cooks the best of this food.

What is "BBQ/Chili"?


"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."

Who is "William Shakespeare"?


"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.  I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will live as one."

What is "Imagine"?


A movie in which groups of people unite to fight an intergalactic enemy on 4th of July weekend.

What is "Independence Day"?


Fitness instructor known for his flamboyant and motivational exercise videos, "Sweatin' to the Oldies."

Who is "Richard Simmons"?


This is a dinner in which leavened bread and wine are served in remembrance of a sacred person in early history.

What is "The Last Supper/Communion/Sacrament/Eucharist"?


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Who is Albert Einstein?


"You and I must make a pact, we must bring salvation back, where there is love __ __ __.

What is "I'll Be There"?


A classic children's book about not giving up and the power of encouragement.

What is "The Little Engine that Could"?


This talk show host has donated more than 40 million dollars to her foundation to help women and children with education and healthcare.

Who is "Oprah Winfrey"?


Expect to catch produce at a parade during this holiday.

What is "St. Patrick's Day"?


"The whole is more than the sum of its parts."

Who is "Aristotle"?


"As the years go by, our friendship will never die.  You're gonna see it's our destiny __ __ __ __ __ __"

What is "You've Got a Friend in Me"?


A 400 year old poem by John Donne in which mankind is compared to a continent.


Owns a well-known market, starred in a home renovation show, created a whole new home decorating style, and values the importance of family and faith.

Who is "Joanna Gaines" (Chip)?


Chef who began her career as a blogger and eventually turned into a celebrity chef.  She brings home cooking recipes and time-saving tips to the average American cook.

The Pioneer Woman