A direct comparison between two unlike things using “like” or “as”?
What is a simile
The paragraph of the poetry world
What is a stanza
The sequence of events in a story
What is plot
Famed writer who wrote such works such as "The Raven" and " The Fall of the House of Usher"
Who is Edgar Allan Poe
The first state admitted to the Union?
What is Delaware
The literary device is used in “The wind whispered through the trees”
What is personification
The term for poetry that does not follow a regular meter or rhyme scheme
What is free verse
The turning point or moment of highest tension in a story
What is the climax
This noted horror author wrote such books as "It" and "Pet Sematary"
Who is Stephen King
It's the only continent with no active volcanoes
What is Australia
An extreme exaggeration
What is hyperbole
Lines that do not end at the end of a line.
What are enjambed lines
The introduction of background information at the beginning of a story
A poet known for such works as "Hope is the Thing With Feathers" and "Wild nights- Wild nights!"
Who is Emily Dickinson
This 1970's singer song writer is known for her smash hit record Tapestry and for singing the theme to the television show Gilmore Girls
Who is Carol King
The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words?
What is alliteration
The term for a two-line stanza
What is a couplet
The story follows the climax and leads to the resolution
What is falling action
The 1995 film Clueless was based on this authors 1815 novel Emma
Who is Jane Austen
This West Coast team is the only one whose team city and name are both in Spanish.
Who are the San Diego Padres
A phrase that has a meaning different from the individual words
What is an idiom
The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses
A point of view that uses "you"
What is second person
This writer is said to have been the inspiration for the character Dill from To Kill A Mockingbird
Who is Truman Capote
This frequently-misnomered mammal has fingerprints so indistinguishable from humans that they have occasionally been wrongfully collected as evidence at crime scenes?
What is a koala