From the Guide
History as an AOK
Logical Fallacies
Knowledge & Language
Human Sciences

The 3 elements of the DP CORE!



The stories about (major historical event that happened in 2001) challenged us to look at historical events from multiple -e-s-ec--v-s?

(9/11), perspectives


Easiest question of the day! 

If 1=4, 2=9, and 3=13, then how much does 4 equal?

4=1! duh! haha! 


Here is an easy one to start you off! 

What is utilitarianism? 

Though there are many varieties of the view discussed, utilitarianism is generally held to be the view that the morally right action is the action that produces the most good for the greatest number of people! 


What is "devil's advocate"? A very very talkative student put this in her journal! OMG, does she ever stop talking? 

Devil's advocate:  A person who advocates an opposing or unpopular cause for the sake of argument or to expose it to a thorough examination. 


“People have been trying for years to prove that God does not exist. But no one has yet been able to prove it. Therefore, God exists.”


Language conveys ___ and negotiates a _____ ___. 

Content, relationship type

Relationship is an acceptable response if no one else can get relationship type. 


Name the BIG 5 personality traits!


This is the core theme of the course.

Knowledge and the knower


Which one of the 12 key concepts is missing from the following excerpt from the guide.

Studying history involves exploration and inquiry into the past. This raises questions about whether it is possible to talk meaningfully about a historical fact, or how far we can speak with - about anything in the past.



What does this famous quote by JOHN STUART MILL (also known as quote guy) mean?

“He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that, his reasons may be good and no one will be able to refute them, but if he is equally unable to refute the reasons of the opposite side…he has no grounds for preferring either opinion.”


What is  the Explanatory Gap?

When there is a inability to communicate/explain a certain idea/concept due to limitation of language of limitation of ones ability to explain the idea.


Someone with an "X" in their name wrote this journal entry. Fill in the blank with the correct word! 

By Coherence

  • The coherence theory of truth relies on the proposition fitting in with what we know to make sense.
  • Similar to rationalism
  • Fits in the system contradiction
  • Verified by __(blank)_

“Building C is in bad shape. Either we tear it down and put up a new building, or we continue to risk students’ safety. Obviously we shouldn’t risk anyone’s safety, so we must tear the building down.”

False dichotomy!


Taken from a student journal please fill in the blank! 

"A loaded question, which contains a - -, may encourage people to answer one way rather than another."

Hidden assumption is the best response although I will accept something along those lines! 


What is the observer effect? 

The tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being observed. 


Name the 5 areas of knowledge! YES, ALL 5!  

History • The human sciences • The natural sciences • The arts • Mathematics


When was the Cornerstone Speech of the Confederacy written? 

a.) 1776 b.) 1861 c.) 1492 d.)1911 

B.) 1861


How much is your final essay worth? What percentage of your grade?

67%! 2/3


This famous novel discussed what language based theory that poses the question of whether or not it is possible to think complex thoughts without the requisite language to accompany the thoughts.  Name the novel and the concept. 

Linguistic determinism. 


Someone with "SKY" in their name took the following notes on the video about language as a window into human nature: Fill in the blank! 

Language does 2 things:

  1. Conveying content- command, proposition
  2. Negotiate a relationship type

There are 3 major human relationships all across the world

  • Dominance, inferior and superior
  • Communality, share, equal
  • __(blank)_, exchanges of goods and services

When the arguer points out that the opponent has actually done the thing he or she is arguing against, and so the opponent’s argument shouldn’t be listened to.

Tu Quoque 

  1. Bribes.
  2. Solicitations.
  3. Seductions
  4. Threats.
  5. Requests.

The above are all situations where - - - or euphemistic language would be commonly employed. Hint: I S A

Indirect Speech Acts


This age old debate discusses whether or not we are more influenced by our genetic inheritance or our environmental experiences. 

Nature v Nurture 


How many optional themes are there and how many MUST we cover in class?


Name one tactic the UDC (united daugthers of the confederacy) employed in trying to rewrite history. 

Erecting monuments and statues, teaching the children in after school and weekend programs, altering and influencing the writing of history textbooks. 


Let's see who is paying attention to their surroundings. When is my birthday?? (#Gameday Classic)

October 19, 1982! You must get the year! Not just the day and month! 


What is a euphemism? 

A mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.


On October 10th this student uploaded this to her journal. Let's figure out who this mysterious figure she is referring to actually is! 

  • (BLANK) – Quote Guy
  • John Stuart Mill – Quote Guy

“My roommate said her math class was hard, and the one I’m in is hard, too. All math classes must be hard!”

Hasty Generalization 


Language KQ!!!

How are metaphors used in the construction of knowledge?

Answers may vary! 


Some very important phenomena in the human sciences are very difficult to -ea--re, which makes it difficult to study them scientifically. 



Knowledge questions should be these three things!

1. About Knowledge

2. ?

3. Draw on TOK concepts




How does the way that we identify with past events, such as military victories or defeats, shape our perspective?

Answers may vary! 


I could'nt resist a English question! You're job is to tell me all of the mistake in these first too sentences. Hint: They're only five inn total. 

1. Couldn't 2. an English 3. Your 4. mistakes 5. two


If you want something, then you must do something else. i.e. If you want money, you must get a job.

  • based on prudence rather than morality

This is a definition and an example of 

A) Categorical Imperative 

B) Hypothetical Imperative



This student with a "W" and a "Z" in their name wrote this reflection in a journal back in November! I wonder if it will ever be finished.... Who is the mystery person?

Is (BLANK)  greedy for having 316 billion dollars?

In my opinion, having a lot of money can get you a comfortable life, however, knowing that there are people out there who are struggling to find food and money can leave you thinking is having too much money greedy. The definition of being greedy is showing an intense and selfish desire. Elon Musk has a net worth of 316 billion dollars. The amount of money he has - to be continued


Assuming that because B comes after A, A caused B.


In the Language as a Window into Human Nature video, Pinker discusses individual knowledge versus mutual knowledge. What is the distinction? 

Individual Knowledge

A knows X

B knows X

Mutual knowledge

A knows X

B knows X

A knows that B knows that A knows X

B knows that A knows that B knows X



How might the language used in polls and questionnaires influence the conclusions that are reached?

Answers may vary!