Edain (mortals)

Princess of Doriath skilled in the power of song. She toppled the walls of Tol-in-Gaurhoth and put Morgoth to sleep with just her voice.

Who is Luthien Tinuviel?


A daughter of the House of Hador who faced down the dragon Glaurung alone, resulting in the dragon cursing her with amnesia

Who is Niënor Niniel?


The rightful Queen of Numenor whose throne was usurped by her cousin Ar-Pharazôn

Who is Tar-Miriel?


She took part in the hobbit resistance during the Scouring of the Shire, and afterwards, married Samwise Gamgee

Who is Rosie Cotton?


Nicknamed Lady of the Shield Arm because of her deeds of valor on Pelennor Fields

Who is Eowyn?


Lady of the Noldor who went missing in the forest and eventually returned to Gondolin with a young son in tow

Who is Aredhel Ar-Feiniel?


Lady of Dor-Lomin. The Easterlings spread rumors that she was a witch and were afraid to go near her.

Who is Morwen Eledhwen?


The first Ruling Queen of Numenor, called the Princess Shepherdess due to the fact that she was raised on a sheep farm

Who is Tar-Ancalimë?


She is mostly known for stealing Bilbo Baggins's silver spoons and coveting the rest of the items in his house

Who is Lobelia Sackville-Baggins?


Keeper of the Evenstar and first Queen of the Reunited Kingdom (Gondor and Arnor)

Who is Arwen Undomiel?


She had the foresight to build a secret escape route out of Gondolin, and when the city fell, she used that route to lead the refugees to safety

Who is Idril Celebrindal?


Chieftain of the Haladin who refused to let her people be vassals of Caranthir, insisting instead that they should remain independent

Who is Haleth?


She became bitter at the fact that her husband loved the sea more than her, and tried to raise her daughter to distrust all men

Who is Erendis?


The first hobbit girl to become a maid of honor to a Queen of Gondor. Also, the first keeper of the Red Book of Westmarch

Who is Elanor Gamgee?


Older than the Sun and Moon. She is the bearer of one of the three Elven Rings of Power

Who is Galadriel?


A skilled broideress from Cuivienen, and first ever Queen of the Noldor

Who is Miriel Therindë?


A lady of the House of Bëor who led the majority of her people out of Dorthonion as refugees in order to save them from Sauron

Who is Emeldir?


The first Lady of Andunië, who would have been a queen except that Numenorean laws had not yet been changed to allow women to rule

Who is Silmarien?


She had a bit of an adventurous streak as a child, and was friends with Gandalf. These traits later also appeared in her son, Bilbo

Who is Belladonna Took?


Known as The River-Daughter. Married to Tom Bombadil.

Who is Goldberry?


Princess of the Teleri, also known as the Swan-maiden of Alqualondë

Who is Eärwen?


A noblewoman from Dor-Lomin who continued helping her people in secret, even after being forced to marry an Easterling who had invaded her country

Who is Aerin?


Her name meaning echoes that of her cousin, Arwen Undomiel, even though they exist thousands of years apart from each other

Who is Tindomiel?

She caused the death of her elderly relative, Lalia Took. Whether or not it was an accident is up for debate.

Who is Pearl Took?


The Lady of Rivendell, who sailed to Valinor partway through the Third Age in order to find the healing that she could not find in Middle Earth

Who is Celebrian?