Chapters 1 - 8
Chapters 9 - 15
Chapters 16 - 24
Chapters 25 - Conclusion
The only character who doesn’t whitewash the fence in the beginning of the novel for fear he will get in trouble with Aunt Polly
Who is: Jim
The horrible scene Tom and Huck witness at the graveyard.
What is: Dr. Robinson being murdered by Injun Joe
The final witness to the stand who testifies AGAINST Injun Joe.
Who is: Tom Sawyer
The two characters who get lost in the cave:
Who are: Tom and Becky.
Give ONE example of Tom's maturation in the novel and WHY it shows he has matured.
What is: Tom's relationship with Becky... Tom telling the lawyer the true story about the murder... Tom reverting from meaningless schemes to growing to become a man and using his intelligence for better things... Tom's choice to not lie to Aunt Polly regarding his disappearence... Tom's decision to return home from the island... etc.
The way Mr. Dobbins "punishes" Tom for being late to school. (ch. 5)
What is: "makes" him sit with the girls.
The character Tom and Huck see the dog howling at after they run away.
Who is: a passed-out drunk Muff Potter
The disease Tom gets over summer break as a result of all of his stress from the murder.
What is: the measles
How Injun Joe dies:
What is: he got locked inside of the cave via the locked door because Judge Thatcher didn't want anyone else to get lost.
How the locked door to the cave is symbolic:
What is: MUST include that the door acts as a wall separating Injun Joe from society.
The character considered to be the "son of the town drunk."
Who is: Huckleberry Finn
The location Tom, Huck, and Joe Harper go to get away from their problems at home
What is: Jackson's Island (or just "the" island or "an" island is fine).
The event that occurs that lets the town know the boys aren't dead after disappearing on the island
What is: the boys show up at their own funeral.
The difference between Tom and Huck's ORIGINAL idea of what to do with the treasure.
What is: Tom wants to spend it on getting married, buying a house, etc.; Huck wants to spend it on pie and soda.
How superstitions play into the novel.
What is: "bad luck" (ex: Friday being an unlucky day)... the curing of warts begins the entire downward spiral of the murder events in Tom and Huck's life... etc.
"Oh, Tom! Then I ain't the first you've been engaged to!" - the character who says this.
Who is: Becky
The reason Tom knows Aunt Polly and Mrs. Harper are so upset about the boys missing and, in their mind, being dead.
What is: Tom was hiding under the bed listening to the conversation.
The admiral event that Tom does to show his love for Becky (hint: occurs at school).
What is: he takes Becky's beating for ripping Mr. Dobbins' book page.
How Injun Joe and his "crony" find out that Tom and Huck had been at the haunted house.
What is: They notice the tools have fresh earth on them.
How society has been unkind to Huck and Injun Joe, AND how the two characters have reacted to it.
What is: Injun Joe: born a half-breed, scorned from society his entire life, chooses to become increasingly more negative toward society and resorts to murder; it causes him to become a horrible person. Huck: Huck, whose parents are not part of his life (and his dad is a drunk) becomes an independent loner who lives by himself and works, plays, and sleeps when HE wants to. He feels awkward around people who show him affection.
Explain the sugar bowl incident in the beginning of the novel and how it affects Tom.
What is: Sid breaks the sugar bowl, and Tom is blamed for it. Aunt Polly claims Tom probably did something else in the past that he's now getting in trouble for. Tom runs away, claiming Aunt Polly would be sorry for all of this, and ends up at the Thatchers' house, where he gets hit with dirty water thrown out the window.
Who, while Tom was listening to the conversation at his house regarding his disappearence, does NOT sound terribly upset?
Who is: Sid.
The reason Aunt Polly breaks down and cries and claims, "I could forgive the boy now even if he'd commited a million sins!"
What is: She finds the note he claims to have written in his jacket after he goes to school (the one that assures Aunt Polly that Tom isn't lying).
How Huck essentially saves the Widow Douglas's life.
What is: He runs to a Welchman's house and tells him about Injun Joe and his crony and how they're going to severely harm the Widow Douglas.
What the storm on the island could symbolize
What is: Could symbolize God's wrath and anger toward the boys... could symbolize sadness from St. Petersburg in regards to the boys being dead... could symbolize the evil occurring in the boys' lives... Could symbolize a warning that they MUST return to St. Petersburg.