Staph! I could've dropped my _______!
What does "Hakuna Matata" mean?
"No worries"
ما هي العلامة السماوية التي يتحدد على أساسها بدء شهر رمضان؟
ظهور الهلال
What is the name of the coffee shop where the characters from Friends hang out?
Central Perk
Which tech entrepreneur named his son X Æ A-12?
Elon Musk
“Look at all those _____.”
What are the names of Cinderella’s stepsisters?
Anastasia and Drizella
ما هي الحشرات التي سُميت سور قرآنية على اسمها؟
النمل والعنكبوت
Which Modern Family character is Claire Dunphy's half-brother?
Mariah Carey had her latest No. 1 song with which single?
All I Want for Christmas is You
____ work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does
Emperor Kuzco turns into what animal in The Emperor’s New Groove?
من هو النبي الذي تم سجنه؟
النبي يوسف
What actress starred in Lizzie McGuire?
Hillary Duff
What is Eminem’s real name?
Marshall Mathers
Hurricane __________? More like hurricane tortilla!
What are the names of the seven dwarfs in Snow White?
Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy and Dopey
متى تم فرض الصيام على المسلمين؟
في السنة الثانية للهجرة
How many episodes of Game of Thrones are there in total?
What singer famously performed with an albino Burmese python at the MTV Video Music Awards?
Britney Spears
“I spilt lipstick in your _____.” “LIPSTICK, IN MY _____ WHITE-“
Valentino bag
What is the name of Belle’s father in Beauty and the Beast?
كم عدد المرات التي ذكر الله فيها شهر رمضان في القرآن الكريم؟
In 2021, which Netflix drama became its biggest ever show?
Bonus: Name all of them
Mason, Penelope, Reign, Rocky, North, Saint, Chicago, Psalm, True, Tatum, Dream, Stormi, and Aire