Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4

What tone is this? (Pollyannish, Fawning, Cerebral, Abhorrent, or Insolent)

 "Oh, my most beloved king, what may I do to serve such an astounding fellow like yourself?"



What tone is this? (Idealistic, Upbraiding, Jaded, Remorseful, or Obstinate)

"One day when we are dying old, we will have a beach house in Miami and sail the entire sea on a million-dollar yacht." Dreamed Barbara.



What tone is this? (Detached, Pompous, Insular, Fervent, or Sinister)

"The man walked down the dark creepy isle. The eerie sound of the wind howling spooked the man. As dusk rose, the crescent moon lit the end of the dark alley. He quickly ran to the light, in hope that he wouldn't be overtaken by the darkness."



What tone is this? (Sardonic, Wistful, Piqued, Methodical, or Defiant)

"First we must clear out the floor spacing. Then we need to remove the floor tiles. Next, we place the wooden planks. Finally, we stain the wood and wait for it to dry." Said the home improvement director.



What tone is this? (Misanthropic, Callous, Serene, Exultant, or Eccentric)

"Amy, I just wanted to let you know that I hate your guts." Patricia said, "Patricia, why would you say that, was that necessary?" Amy asked, Patricia responded, "Yes it was because it is true."



What tone is this? (Pollyannish, Fawning, Cerebral, Abhorrent, or Insolent)

"According to my calculations, the carbon fiber alloy should be able to withstand any incendiary device that is equal to 500 kilotons or less. The impact radius multiplied by the velocity of the kinetic force might also affect the end result."



What tone is this? (Idealistic, Upbraiding, Jaded, Remorseful, or Obstinate)

"Here is your cotton candy!" The sweet doctor said, Luke replied, "Hey wait a minute, this is not the color I wanted, I wanted blue not pink!" "I am afraid the only color they had was pink." The doctor replied, Luke responded, "Well I guess we are going to have a problem here.



What tone is this? (Detached, Pompous, Insular, Fervent, or Sinister)

"The group went to jump off the cliff into the deep water, but Charles was scared of heights and doesn't know how to swim. They encouraged him to jump, but he was not the daring type, so he just decided to go home."



What tone is this? (Sardonic, Wistful, Piqued, Methodical, or Defiant)

Jerry, who is sweating, exclaimed to the room, "Man, it's freezing in here, maybe I should put on a heavy coat!"



What tone is this? (Misanthropic, Callous, Serene, Exultant, or Eccentric)

"How is your day today Mr. Louis?" The neighbor asked, "It was better before you asked me." He bitterly replied.



What tone is this? (Pollyannish, Fawning, Cerebral, Abhorrent, or Insolent)

"How are you today?" the sweet couple asked, "Get off my lawn or I will call the police, you lousy pedestrians walking your stupid dogs." The bitter old man replied."



What tone is this? (Idealistic, Upbraiding, Jaded, Remorseful, or Obstinate)

"Happy 50th birthday, who do you want to invite to your party?" Melissa asked, "I am not having a party this year." John sluggishly replied. "But it is the big one, so why is that so?" She asked in response. John, who is looking down at the ground, answered, "People in these times don't celebrate birthdays anymore."



What tone is this? (Detached, Pompous, Insular, Fervent, or Sinister)

The club leader passionately gave her speech to the crowd, "The Jefferson County Book Club is the best book club in the west side of the state. We read and understand books from all different genres. I as the leader truly believe we can grow to be the biggest book club in all of West Virginia. Cause we care about our members and want the best for them."



What tone is this? (Sardonic, Wistful, Piqued, Methodical, or Defiant)

"Hey, can I have a sheet of paper?" Joey asked Tom right before the pop quiz, "Heck no, guy buy your own you piece of filth." Mrs. Hammonds overheard and replied to Toms indecency, "Tom that is not nice, be kind and share with your classmate." "How about you mind your own business Grandma!"



What tone is this? (Misanthropic, Callous, Serene, Exultant, or Eccentric)

"Is it warm or cold outside today?" The first grader asked his classmate named Robert, "The humidity is 20% above average. The air temperature is around 81 degrees Fahrenheit and 27 degrees Celsius. The cloud coverage is about 67%, and there is a 23% chance of rain." Robert replied.



What tone is this? (Pollyannish, Fawning, Cerebral, Abhorrent, or Insolent)

"Hey, I heard what happened to the barn, are you doing ok?" Charia asked, "Yeah, even though it burned down, it is an opportunity to build a new and better one, I can't wait to start!"



What tone is this? (Idealistic, Upbraiding, Jaded, Remorseful, or Obstinate)

"If I could go back, I would change so many things. The way I treated her was so awful, if I could go back, I would have complemented her instead of tearing her down. I regret the way I pushed her away when she needed me the most, and how she showed she loved me, and I didn't."



What tone is this? (Detached, Pompous, Insular, Fervent, or Sinister)

"Hey, you know you are not supposed to use the broken sink." Jimmy said kindly, "I don't need a little punk like you to tell someone like me what to do." Jaxson sharply responded.



What tone is this? (Sardonic, Wistful, Piqued, Methodical, or Defiant)

"If only I could see the day that my kids were running to my open arms after I got home from work, I would be happy again."



What tone is this? (Misanthropic, Callous, Serene, Exultant, or Eccentric)

"The vast sky is such a beautiful orange color as the sun sinks below the mountaintops. The birds in the air fly above the hillside on their way to a green luscious pasture of soft warm grass; and a pond full of various fish, frogs, and marsh that makes up that wonderful smell in the morning air."



What tone is this? (Pollyannish, Fawning, Cerebral, Abhorrent, or Insolent)

"Hi, how are you today?" The sweet old lady asked, "Better than you, because I can walk without a cane." The bitter young man replied.



What tone is this? (Idealistic, Upbraiding, Jaded, Remorseful, or Obstinate)

John whispered to Billy quietly, so no one heard him, "I just accidently swallowed a bug while I was drinking coke." Billy yelled to his first-grade classmates, "Hey everyone, John is gross, he ate a bug!" The classmates replied, "Ewwwwwww, John you are disgusting."



What tone is this? (Detached, Pompous, Insular, Fervent, or Sinister)

"We need to start the laundry by sorting it by articles of clothing, then by who's it is, then we fold them." Dad said, Mom replied, "Wouldn't be easier just to sort it by who's it is, and then they just separate it as they fold?" Dad unhappily responded, "No, this is how we have always done it, and it is the only way to do it. Do not question my methods."



What tone is this? (Sardonic, Wistful, Piqued, Methodical, or Defiant)

"As I run down the chute with not one soul in front of me, I go as hard as I can towards the finish line. With 10 yards to go I feel a sharp pain from the trailing runner's shoe spike. As I crash towards the ground; annoyingly, I see three runners take the spot on the podium. Leaving me infuriated as I watch 3 idiots stand on the 3 stupid blocks receiving their 3 stupid medals."



What tone is this? (Misanthropic, Callous, Serene, Exultant, or Eccentric)

The happy man told his friends, "Wow, I love the mountains in East Tennessee, and the place I live in. I also love my job and my family, and the people that I am around. I am just so thankful for the things that I have."
