Our coach was __________ about our playoff run.
(This word means "disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.")
What is optimistic?
The girl was very __________ with her new puppy; she constantly snuggled with and pet him.
(This word means "showing, indicating, or characterized by affection or love; fondly tender.")
What is affectionate?
I felt __________ when Saturday finally arrived so I could sleep in.
(This word means "joyful; happy; jubilant.")
What is joyous?
I am absolutely __________ that I passed my driver's test!
(This word means "very happy or proud; jubilant; in high spirits.')
What is elated?
When I think about my childhood, I remember being carefree and __________.
(This word means "carefree; cheerful.")
What is lighthearted?
The fans were __________ by the mascot dancing in the stands at the hockey game, even though their team was losing 0-7.
(This word means "pleasurably entertained, occupied, or diverted.")
What is amused?
While he was not interested in dating at the time, the love letters he received in the mail each week were written by his admirer in __________.
(This word means "serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous.")
What is earnest?
It's important that we be __________ toward our all of our teachers, as the Dean of Students recently reminded me.
(This word means "deeply respectful; showing great esteem.")
What is reverent?
The severity of the Coronavirus pandemic, and specifically the death toll, is a __________ topic.
(This word means "serious or solemn; sober/weighty, momentous, or important/threatening a seriously bad outcome or involving serious issues; critical.")
What is grave?
Sometimes I feel so ___________ about my childhood home in another state.
(This words means "unhappy about being away and longing for familiar things or persons.")
The new QB was __________ about starting varsity as a freshman. She always showed up to practice early and stayed late to run plays.
(This word means "ardently active, devoted, or diligent.")
What is zealous?
My mom told me that boys hitting me in elementary school was their way of flirting; I'm not sure if it was really __________ or just plain mean.
(This word means "pleasantly humorous or jesting.")
What is playful?
The allegory we watched was clearly __________; it would have been hard to miss the lesson it taught audiences.
(This word means "intended for instruction; instructive.")
What is didactic?
I have decided to read for thirty minutes before bed each night to provide myself a __________ time of peace!
(This word means "free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm.")
What is tranquil?
When we were young, my siblings were __________ toward one another, especially when it came to sharing toys.
(This word means "acting in opposition; opposing; unfriendly.")
What is antagonistic?
I was so embarrassed by my mother's __________ behavior at the gymnastics meet. She was giving terribly dirty looks to the other competitors and judges!
(This word means "showing or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful.")
What is contemptuous?
My ex was so __________ after our breakup that they asked my best friend to prom! (This word means "revengeful; spiteful; bitter; unforgiving.")
What is vindictive?
My English teacher is never __________ in her messages; she always writes like she's composing a scholarly essay.
(This word means "characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing; informal.")
What is colloquial?
Some people are very __________ about facing each day; they don't seem to have a positive outlook.
(This word means "scornful of the motives or virtues of others; bitterly or sneeringly distrustful; contemptuous or pessimistic.")
What is cynical?
Do you remember how __________ you felt when you went down the tallest slide at the playground?
(This word means "to enliven; invigorate; stimulate / to make cheerful or merry.")
What is exhilarated?
I felt completely __________ after receiving my first place trophy in the swimming competition.
(This word means "a feeling of happiness, confidence or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states of mania.")
What is euphoric?
I was feeling so __________ last weekend that I sent a DM to the girl I have had a crush on for six years. I have been so scared of embarrassing myself, but I finally went for it!
(This word means "extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless.")
What is audacious?
I personally think the lunch ladies are a bit too ___________ about the dessert selection when they offer it as if it were from a 5 star restaurant.
(This word means "overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited.")
What is ebullient?
With all of my free time since quitting my job, I have become very ___________; I have even written poetry!
(This word means "given to examining own sensory and perceptual experiences.")
What is introspective?
Why are parents so __________ when I just want to do something fun?
(This word means "to express strong disapproval.")
What is condemnatory?