Which two animals spoke to humans in the Bible?
The Serpent (Adam and Eve)
A Donkey (Baalam)
This New Testament author wrote the most content of all the New Testament authors
Saint Luke with 27% of the New Testament
This color was associated with wealth and royalty in the Bible
Name any book listed in the Catholic/Orthodox Bibles but excluded from our Protestant Bible
Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1+2 Macabees
In Acts 19, Paul uses this common object to heal people
Jesus repeated the word of this prophet when He said from the cross: "My God my God why have you forsaken me?"
The Prophet King David
This is the shortest verse of the Bible in it's original language
"Πάντοτε χαίρετε." Rejoice always. - 1 Thess 5:16
The streets in Heaven are this color
This prophet was commanded to cook his food over human feces but successfully negotiated to use cow feces instead
In Revelation 5, the bowls of incense held by the Elders are this color
This apostle's sermon was so long and boring that a guy named Eutychus fell asleep and fell out of a window and died
The Apostle Paul
This Biblical book is the longest book of the Bible by volume (it's not Psalms)
Rahab signaled the Israelite with this colored cord (be specific)
Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal on this mountain.
Mount Carmel
In Exodus 16, manna is describes as white like this type of seed
This Major Prophet buried his underwear and dug it up again
This book of the Bible has the longest verse
Esther (8:9)
Jesus' robe is recorded as being these two different colors in two different Gospels.
Purple (John 19:2) and scarlet (Matthew 27:28)
This book is the shortest book in the Bible
2nd John
In Revelation 10, what does John do with the little book that he was given?
He eats it!
bro... what?
This Minor Prophet "saw" a giant scroll flying from house to house attacking thieves and liars
Zecheriah, bro witnessed the first drone strike
This day of the week aligns with the 7th day aka the Sabbath
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride horses of these four colors
White, Red, Black, and Pale
The site of the Mount of Transfiguration
Mount Tabor
In Ezekiel 3, Ezekiel does this with the scroll given to him by God
He eats it!!!