What is a goal ?
Something you are trying to accomplish or achieve
What are the 3 styles of communication, and explain?
1) Passive, 2) Assertive, 3) Aggressive
Your friend tries to pressure you to drink, you say, "No Way"
Just say no!
What is legal age to consume alcohol in the United States ?
What are the 3 diseases caused by smoking traditional cigarettes?
1) Cancer, 2) heart disease, 3) Emphysema
You want to get an 88 on your science test next week . This is an example of what type of goal?
A Short-Term Goal
Which style of communication is most effective when responding to peer pressure? Why?
Assertive - because it communicates confidence and conviction
Your friend tries to pressure you to skip class you respond , "no", "No way", "not gonna happen", "never"
Broken Record
What are the 3 types of alcohol
1) Beer, 2) Wine, 3) Hard Liquor
You want to be an engineer when you grow up. This is an example of what type of goal ?
A long-term goal
What are the 3 tricks to successful assertive communication?
1) Stand Tall, 2) Look them in the eye, 3) Speak Up
Your friend tries to pressure you to vape. You respond, "I like having healthy lungs"
State the Facts
Under what circumstances is alcohol toxic to ANYBODY ?
If consumed to quickly, and in large quantities (too much, too fast)
What are the dangers of using vaping products?
1) addiction, 2) lung damage, 3) brain damage, 4) heart disease , 5) Cancer
What are the steps to achieving a goal?
1) Name it, 2) make a plan, 3) identify support system, 4)work towards your goal, 5) celebrate success!!!
What style of communication is the following phrase,
"I'm always right and you are always wrong "
You friend tries to pressure you to drink. You respond, "I completely forgot I have to babysit my brother, I have to go"
Make an excuse
Why does alcohol effect a young person's brain differently than an adult's brain
A young person's brain is still growing and developing
Why is the heating mechanism in vaping products dangerous ?
It causes heavy metal to seep into the vaping liquid, and then into the lungs, causing lung damage
What are the 4 steps to successful decision making?
What style of communication is the following phrase,
"I am confident about who I am and what I want"
Your friend keeps pressuring you to vape. You look them in the eye and say, "I thought you were my friend. If you care about me you will stop"
Reverse The Pressure
What does it mean to drink responsibly?
To be of legal age (21) , and to drink slowly, and in small amounts
What is legal age to smoke and vape?