Laying the Foundation
Too Good Programs
Preparing to Teach
TGFD K - 8
TGFDV High School

Define the term Fidelity.

Th rigor to which an intervention adheres to the developer's model.


What does each student get a copy of to use during the course?

Student workbook


Where should you go first in the Teacher Manual to start to prepare for a specific lesson?

Starter page  - the first page of the lesson


Name two of the three mascots used in the grades K – 2.

Kindergarten - Tuggles                                           Grade 1 - Carmen                                               Grade 2 - Wagner                                               


Name the first step in the Goal Setting Model.

Name your goal


Why is following fidelity important?

 The greater your fidelity to the original program design, the more likely you are to reproduce the same positive results.


What is the name of the take-home piece?

Home Workout (K - 8)

Bring it Home Newsletter (High School)


What are the two main icons and what do they signify?

Pencil/ruler icon – teacher instructions and Chat icon – anticipated student responses


In which two lessons (name the subjects) do we use brain scans in grades 6 – 8?

Alcohol and Marijuana


What do we NOT mention specifically in unit 1?

A specific substance


What does evidence-based program mean?

Program development is shaped by relevant research and theory. To determine a program's effectiveness, outcome evaluations are necessary.  Too Good programs have undergone rigorous evaluation in random control group studies to prove their effectiveness.


Where can you find additional resources and activities and what is it called?

At the end of each lesson and that page is called Looking for More?


There are 6 sections on the first page of each lesson – name three of them.

Rationale ~ Character Education Traits ~ Objectives ~ Activities with suggested times ~ Materials Needed ~ Before You Start


In which grade do we first talk about the effects of THC and marijuana?

Grade 5


Name the Decision-Making Model.

Stop ~ Think ~ Act ~ Reflect


What is the fidelity of implementation for the Too Good programs - 7 parts?

Attend a curriculum training ~ One lesson per week ~ Teach the entire lesson time ~ Teach all the activities ~ Teach lessons and activities in order ~ Use all the materials ~ Each student has a workbook


Name the five skills taught in unit 1.

Setting Reachable Goals ~ Making Responsible Decisions ~ Identifying and Managing Emotions ~ Effective Communication ~ Bonding and Relationships


Why is the Before You Start section important?

Will tell you anything you need to prep for the lesson and any special instructions. If you need to make copies of something, hang something up, review and prep game materials or any other necessary prep for the success of the lesson.


Name five of the nine peer pressure refusal strategies.

Steer Clear ~ Broken Record ~ State the Facts ~ Walk Away ~ Ignore ~ Make an Excuse ~ Better Idea ~ Say No ~ Reverse the Pressure


Name the subjects of the five lessons in unit 2 for TGFD or TGFVSP.

TGFD: Alcohol, Nicotine, Marijuana, Rx/OTC/Street, Alternatives/Review

TGFVSP: Respect, Conflict Resolution, Stress Management, Healthy Teen Dating, Social Media Awareness


Name two bodies of research behind the program.

Social Learning Theory (Bandura), Problem Behavior Theory (Jessor), Health Behavior Theory, Social Development Model (Hawkins & Catalano) – Risk & Protective Factors, 40 Developmental Assets (Search Institute)


Why are the interactive learning activities so important?

Interactive, hands-on learning experiences (e.g. role plays, games, small group activities, etc.) effectively teach children social emotional and other life skills (e.g., peer resistance skills, healthy bonding, etc.) more than non-interactive methods such as lecture and discussion. Interactive teaching methods provide students opportunities to develop, use, and practice these skills. The Too Good programs are designed with varied learning experiences to accommodate how students learn best the essential life skills.


Name two things you can do if you are short on time and why those are good options.

Possible answers:

  • For activities with three to four scenarios, have the students complete one or two scenarios. Implement an activity as class rather than in partners or small groups. If an activity calls for independent student reading, read the scenario(s) to the class. Have the students discuss answers rather than write them down in workbook. If time loss was a portion of a lesson, make up the activity the following day. If time loss was an entire day or several, teach two lessons per week with time in between the teaching days.

Why are role-play activities and skits so important?

Role-play activities provide students with an opportunity to practice and experience the skills and concepts introduced in the course. These activities give the students a chance to have fun practicing these skills in a safe and supportive environment.


In addition to Prevention and Character education, what else do we focus on in high school?

College and Career readiness