When do we the CHEERS Check in tool?
Twice in every year of life, typically every 6 months.
The ASQ calculator
This score indicates a family needs a referral
TRUE or FALSE: If a parent admits to using tobacco products in any form you must complete a referral
What score requires a referral for the HITS?
Greater than or equal to 10
When are you supposed to discuss CCIT with your supervisor?
After every CHEERS Check in tool
What do you need prior to completing a TEIS referral?
A release of information (ROI)
The parent answered "Yes, most of the time" to question 10 on the EPDS, what is the protocol?
Create a safety plan and do a referral to mental health services
How many days from the creation of the referral do you have to complete the referral?
90 days
How often do you update the Drug and alcohol, employment info, education info, and housing info forms?
Every 6 months
What should you do if the parent treats the child differently during CCIT compared to your regular visits?
Answer the question based on what you observe, add in the comments that this was unusual and discuss in supervision.
Child scored low in gross motor on their 12 month ASQ and a referral to TEIS is required. Where do you link this referral?
The referral is linked directly to the tool
When do you do the postpartum EPDS?
Within 3 months of the child's birth
Do you complete internal or external referrals for families in Apricot?
External, unless they moved out of the service area and are going to a different EBHV program.
What tools are required for any subsequent pregnancies/children?
Prenatal and postpartum assessment, and pre and post EPDS
If the parent scores 4 or below on a CCIT question, what is at least one of three actions that must be taken?
TRUE or FALSE: You must create a referral if the child scores in the gray zone in more than one area of the ASQ, regardless of whether he/she is receiving services or not
When do you score the EPDS?
Immediately following the tool while you are with the family.
How do you know if you need an ROI for a referral?
If you are giving an organization outside of McNabb you need an ROI.
What score on the CHEERS CIT necessitates documentation on the service plan?
Anything 4 and below
According to the cheers check in scoring guide for holding, if the parent did not touch the child at all during the tool how should you rate it?
Choose “N/A – Parent did not engage in physical activity” and discuss in supervision
When do we adjust an ASQ for prematurity?
37 weeks gestation or earlier
TRUE or FALSE: If dad is the enrolled parent, you do not need to do an EPDS
TRUE or FALSE: "Information Provided" does not count as a referral
We are required to do two ASQ’s in each year of life per HFA standards, what are the three ASQ’s specifically required by our funders?
9, 18, and 24 month