Types of Maps
Hemispheres & More
Distortions and Tilts

This type of map shows where earthquakes are likely to hit in the United States.

What is a thematic map?


The compass point between North and East.

What is North east?


The imaginary line that represents zero degrees latitude.

What is the Equator?


The misrepresentation of a map's shape, area, distance, or direction compared to the true measurements of the Earth's curved surface.

What a map projection with a distortion?


The names of each of the continents and Oceans.

What are:

North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica - 

Southern Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean?


This type of map shows elevation changes and is often used by hikers. 

What are topographic maps?


Define Scale. 

What tells you how the distances on the map compare to the actual distances on Earth?


If I am living in Australia, the hemispheres I would be living in.

What is the Southern and Eastern hemispheres?


This area, marked by lines of latitude, is known to have some of the hottest places on Earth. 

What are the tropics? 


The name of the imaginary line that runs vertically down the globe and represents zero degrees longitude.

What is the Prime Meridian?


Information like countries, cities, towns, major highways, and bodies of water appear on this type of map.

What is a political map?


This tells us how to decipher the symbols on a map. 

What is a legend?


If it is the middle of winter in Canada, which country(s) would it be the middle of summer. Think carefully...

What are all the counties, which are the same distance away from the equator as Canada but in the southern hemisphere?


The earth is tilted on its axis at this degree. 

What is 23.50?


Name the ocean you could be swimming in if you lived in New York.

What is the Atlantic Ocean?


The one major thing a physical map shows. 

What are physical features?


BOLTS stands for this on a map.

What are Border, Orientation, Legend, Title and Scale?


These meridians run east and west on a map. 

What are lines of longitude? 


The seasons are due to... 

What is the earth spinning on its axis while rotating around the sun?


These parallels run north and south on a map. 

What are the lines of latitude? 


The name for a mapmaker.

What is a cartographer?


The difference between relative and absolute location.

What is absolute location has exact coordinates to show the exact location of a place while relative location is the position of a place or object in relation to other places or landmarks?


The names of the tropics and the line of latitude they run along.

What are the Tropic of Cancer at 23.40 N and the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.40 S?


The farthest northern and southern points where the sun doesn't shine at all on one day each year.

What are the Arctic Circle and the Antarctic Circle?


An imaginary system of lines of latitude and longitude that can be used to locate any point on Earth.

What is the Global Grid?