When was the Anti-Bullying March?
October 25
What are rights?
A right is something a person has which people think should not be taken away.
What is Ms. M favorite color?
What is empathy
be in the others shoes. to feel compassion towards the other person
What is empathy
to feel campassion
Do not be an bystander be an
What are responsibility?
Responsibility is the state of being accountable for something or someone, or having a duty to take care of something or ensure that certain things are done.
ROPES are our
what is sympathy?
When you feel for them but do not go the extra step to empathy
what is a leader
A leader is someone who inspires, guides, and motivates others towards a shared goal, often taking initiative to make decisions and ensuring a group works together effectively
What is CSL? How did we do it?
Community Service Learning. Anti- Bullying march
What is an example of rights
Going to the pet store and buying a pet
How old is Ms. M
What are examples of empathy?
Open Answer
what are examples of leaders?
coach, students,leaders
Who participated in the March?
Students and Staff
what is an example of responsibility?
Getting a drivers license
What sport does Ms. M love to play?
What activity did we do with empathy?
Role Play
do leaders need to be empathetic? How
yes, open answer
From what time was the march?
8am -11
How are wants different from rights
it is something that would be nice to have but isnt a rights or respomsibilty
What is Ms. M favorite Sports team
New York Yankees
Why is empathy important
we can be understanding of those around us
how can we be leaders in class
By taking initiative