What is Ecology?
The Study of the interactions between organisms and between organisms and their environment.
What is Population
potentially interbreeding individuals of a single species.
What is Eutrophication?
dense algal blooms to excess nutrients in the lake
What are effects of climate change?
Clearer water and less water in lakes.
What is Environmentalism?
Social or political philosophy or movement that focuses on minimizing or eliminating human impacts.
What is Community?
interacting species in a particular area.
What are consequences of eutrophication?
interferes with recreation. can be toxic. kills fish.
What are consequences of Climate change?
the lake is warmer because sunlight penetrates deeper. fish need to use more energy to regulate temperature.
What is Dissemination?
What is Ecosystem?
Community plus abiotic factors.
What is the cause of eutrophication?
What is Landscape
Patch work of ecosystems.
What is Biome?
large region identified by its plant community and climate.