Liberation Theology
Cuban Revolution
Women Rebels
Guerrilla War
Military Dictatorship

Liberation Theology emerged primarily within this religious institution in Latin America

What is the Catholic Church?


This Cuban city was the final destination of Fidel Castro and his revolutionaries during their famous guerrilla campaign in 1958.

What is Havana?


This woman, known as "La Madre de la Patria" (Mother of the Fatherland), was a prominent revolutionary and founder of the Cuban Women's Federation.

Who is Melba Hernández?


This revolutionary movement in Cuba, led by Fidel Castro and his followers, waged guerrilla warfare against the Batista regime in the Sierra Maestra mountains.

What is the 26th of July Movement?


What event in Cuba led to fears of left-wing revolutionary groups seizing power elsewhere in Latin America?

What is Fidel Castro's takeover of Cuba?


This Latin American country was a significant center for the development and dissemination of Liberation Theology.

What is Brazil?


The Cuban Revolution resulted in the establishment of this political system in Cuba.

What is a socialist or communist government?


Women in the Cuban Revolution often participated in this capacity, providing medical care and support to revolutionary fighters.

What is nursing or medical aid?


The Cuban Revolution culminated in the overthrow of this Cuban dictator, leading to the establishment of a socialist government.

Who is Fulgencio Batista?


What was the name of the US program aimed at helping develop and modernize Latin American states during the Cold War?

What is the Alliance for Progress?


Liberation Theology emphasizes the Christian obligation to prioritize the liberation of these marginalized groups.

Who are the poor and oppressed?


Following the Cuban Revolution, this leader went into exile in Mexico before returning to Cuba to lead the new government.

Who is Fidel Castro?


This woman, an Afro-Cuban activist and revolutionary, was a key figure in the struggle against Batista's regime and for women's rights in Cuba.

Who is Haydée Santamaría?


In El Salvador, this left-wing guerrilla organization fought against the Salvadoran government during the civil war in the 1980s.

What is the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN)?


Which doctrine, rooted in geopolitics, justified sacrificing certain freedoms in order to protect and preserve the state during the rise of military dictatorships in Latin America?

What is the Doctrine of National Security?


This key figure in Liberation Theology, known as the "theologian of the people," played a central role in its development.

Who is Gustavo Gutiérrez?


This Argentine revolutionary, known for his iconic image and role in the Cuban Revolution, fought alongside Fidel Castro.

Who is Che Guevara?


This female guerrilla fighter, known as "La China," played a significant role in the Cuban Revolution alongside Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.

Who is Celia Sánchez?


This U.S.-backed military leader ruled El Salvador during much of the civil war and implemented harsh counterinsurgency measures against guerrilla forces.

Who is Roberto D'Aubuisson?


What was the name of the clandestine urban guerrilla movement in Uruguay that engaged in activities such as bank robbery, kidnappings, and assassinations?

What is the National Liberation Movement - Tupamaros (MLN-T)


Liberation Theology emerged in response to the social injustices and inequalities experienced by these groups in Latin America.

Who are the poor, indigenous peoples, and marginalized communities?


The Cuban Revolution began with an attack on this military facility in Santiago de Cuba on July 26, 1953.

What is the Moncada Barracks?


This revolutionary woman, often called the "First Lady of the Cuban Revolution," was the wife of Fidel Castro.

Who is Vilma Espín?


In El Salvador, the civil war between government forces and guerrilla groups resulted in significant casualties and widespread human rights abuses, including massacres in this village in 1981.

What is El Mozote?


What was the name of the coordinated operation among South American military dictatorships aimed at eliminating left-wing opponents, involving trading of intelligence and mutual cooperation in kidnapping and killing exiles?

What is Operation Condor?