What Empire did Cyrus the Great conquer?
The empire that Cyrus the Great conquered is called Medes.
After Cambyses died how did Darius take the throne?
Darius took the throne by force.
Why was the Persian empire important to the history of southwest Asia?
Persia had great political and cultural influences on southwestern Asia.
Why was Assyria known as a military state?
The Assyrians used Iron weapons which were stronger than the other empires which had used Bronze.
What material did the Sumerians use for their seals?
The material that the Sumerians used for their seals was stone.
What was the name of Lydia's King?
The name of Lydia's King is Croesus.
How was Darius granted the title of Darius the Great?
Darius made the Persian empire grow larger which meant he got the title Darius the Great.
Persia formed to the east of Mesopotamia, current day this is in?
Today where Persia formed is where present day Iran is.
Assyria had men riding horses while fighting, when they do this what is it called?
This is the earliest form of CAVALRY
What did a seal do?
A seal left the owners personal mark on something to identify who owns the object the seal is placed on.
What region did Cyrus begin to fight the kingdom of Lydia?
Asia Minor.
What did Darius the Great make as currency?
Who were Persia's neighbors that had ruled Persia for a while called?
The neighbors of Persia that had ruled them was called the Medes.
What time period did the Assyrians start building a stronger military state?
The time period that the Assyrians built up their Empire was around mid 800 BCE.
Sumerians carved statues of people, for the first time in history what did these sculptures look like?
The sculptures looked like REAL HUMANS for the first time in history.
When did Nebuchadnezzar become king?
604 BCE
Darius used some of Persia's great wealth to build what across the empire?
Darius built new roads across the empire.
Who was the ruler that led Persia to victory against the Medes?
The ruler was called Cyrus the Great
Who was the Assyrian ruler who made the city of Nineveh his capital?
The Assyrian ruler who made the city of Nineveh his capitol is called Ashurbanipal.
What was used to carve out a relief sculpture?
A stele was used to carve out the relief sculpture.
What Empire did Nebuchadnezzar conquer and then later exiled all of their people to his empire?
Jerusalem and The Jewish.
What did Darius created a fairer system of?
Darius created a fairer system in which province had to pay according to its wealth.
When did the Persian empire capture Babylon?
The Persian empire captured Babylon in 539 BCE
At what time did the Assyrian empire stretch out north into the Persian Gulf?
The Assyrian empire stretched out into a larger empire during the MID-600s BCE
What is the stele of Hammurabi?
The stele of Hammurabi was a stele that showed Hammurabi and Shamash, at the bottom of the stele was carved out Hammurabi's code in cuneiform.