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What is the function of the Capillaries?

Answer: The capillaries function is to transport blood, nutrients, and oxygen to cells in your organs and your body systems 


Windpipe, brings air into body

Answer: Trachea 


What is the major function of the digestive system?

Answer: The major function of the digestive system is to ingest & digest food, nutrient absorption, and excretion of waste products.


What is the function of the kidneys?

Answer: The function of the kidneys is to remove waste products from the blood and produce urine


When a new viral infection appears in a population, scientists usually try to below a vaccine against the virus. Which substances would most likely be contained in the vaccine?

(1) Live bacteria that ingest viruses 

(2) White blood Cells from an infected individual 

(3) Weakened viruses associated with the infection 

(4) A variety of microbes that will attack the virus

Answer: (3) Weakened viruses associated with the infection


What is the function of the Heart?

Answer: The heart's function is to pump blood throughout your entire body in order for you to survive


Transport air from trachea to each lung 

Answer: Bronchi


Breaks down food into chemical with acids

Answer: Small Intestine 


What process occurs in the Kidneys?

(1) Digestion

(2) Respiration

(3) Urination

(4) Diffusion

Answer: (4) Diffusion


Drugs to reduce the risk of rejection are given to an organ transplant patients because the donated organ contains ____

(1) Foreign Antigens 

(2) Foreign Antibodies

(3) DNA Molecules

(4) Pathogenic Microbes

Answer: (1) Foreign Antigens


What is the function of the Arteries?

Answer: The arteries function is to carry blood away from the heart and distribute it in the rest of your body.


Airways that branch into small tubes 

Answer: Bronchioles 


Makes enzymes to help digest food

Answer: Pancreas 


How do hormones travel through the body?

Answer: Hormones travel through the body by the endocrine system releasing them throughout the bloodstream to travel freely throughout the body.


To replace burned skin, doctors can successfully transplant placement skin from another part of the body of the burn victim. Which statement best explains why the transplanted skin is not rejected?

(1) The transplanted skin is damaged, making the immune system nonfunctional 

(2) The antigens of the replacement skin are the same as those of the damaged skin.

(3) Burn victims lose so much blood that white blood cells cannot cause a immune response 

(4) There is no blood supply to the skin, so mixing of antigens does not occur

Answer: (2) The antigens of the replacement skin are the same as those of the damaged skin.


What is the major function of the circulatory system?

Answer: The major function of the circulatory system is to carry/transport blood & oxygen around your body.


Where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged

Answer: Alveoli 


Where food enters body and chewing starts to break down food

Answer: Mouth


Which organ system in humans is most directly involved in the transport of oxygen?

(1) Digestive 

(2) Excretory 

(3) Nervous 

(4) Circulatory 

Answer: (4) Circulatory


The virus that causes bird flu can attach to the cells of the lower part of the respiratory system in humans, but not to the cells of the upper part of the respiratory system. The most likely reason for this is that these two groups of cells have different ____

(1) DNA codes in the nuclei 

(2) Enzymes in the mitochondria  

(3) Amounts of water in the cytoplasm

(4) Receptor molecules on their membranes

Answer: (4) Receptor molecules on their membranes


What is the major function of the lungs?

Answer: The major function of your lungs is to go through the process of respiration (breathing) to keep you alive.


What type of blood cells pick up oxygen in the lungs?

Answer: Red blood cells are the type of blood cells that pick up oxygen in the lungs.


Passageway for food from mouth to stomach 

Answer: Esophagus 


Salmonella bacteria can cause humans to have stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. The effects these bacteria have on humans indicates that Salmonella bacteria are ____

(1) Predators 

(2) Pathogens 

(3) Parasitic Fungi

(4) Decomposers 

Answer: (2) Pathogens


How many parts are there to the human brain?

Answer: 3