Fractions to Decimals
Write 0.82 as a fraction in simplest form
What is 41/50
Estimate the sum by rounding to the nearest whole numbers 31.29 + 58.07
What is 31 + 58 = 89
Write 2/5 as a decimal
What is 0.4
Round the decimal to the given place-value. 0.142; tenths
What is 0.1
Add the Decimals 1.32 + 0.081
What is 1.401
My value extends three digits to the right of the decimal point, but there are 4 digits total.
My digits are in consecutive order.
The digit in the tenths place is 2
What number am I?
What is 1.234
Write 0.23 as a fraction in simplest form
What is 23/100
Round the decimal to the given place-value. 27.355; hundredths
What is 27.36
Fill in the blank
______ is 0.001 less than 2.8
What is 2.799
Write 0.68 as a fraction in simplest form
What is 17/25
Order each set of decimals from greatest to least. 5.222, 5.202, 5.022
What is 5.222, 5.202, 5.022
Round the decimal to the given place-value. 3.4553; thousandths
What is 3.455
Add the decimals 43.28 + 31.45
What is 74.73
What is 2,000 milliliters
Write 0.045 as a fraction in simplest form
What is 9/200
Order each set of decimals from greatest to least. 0.04, 0.44, 0.044, 0.404
What is 0.44, 0.404, 0.044, 0.04
My number contains 5 digits
The tenths place is 6
To get the numbers to the left of the decimal, multiply the tenths place by 2
The thousandths place is the same as the tens place
The hundredths place is the sum of the tens place and the tenths place
What number am I?
What is 12.671