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A golf swing is an example of this type of skill.
What is a discrete skill?
Something that must be learned by the performer and already has a pre-determined goal.
What is a skill?
This type of memory has a maximum capacity. Generally limited to ~10 seconds.
What is short term memory?
Humans use ______ _______ when taking in information from the outside world.
What is sense organs?
What is the difference between skill and ability?
What is learned vs given?
This type of teaching/coaching style gives the most "power" to the teacher/coach.
What is authoritarian/Type A?
Response time minus reaction time = ?
What is movement time?
You can link distinct motor programs together to form....
What is an executive motor function/program?
Correct or successful "muscle memory" is also know as.....
What is perceptual trace?
Besides physical practice, what else can you do in order to better prepare yourself for a consistent, higher level performance in an open athletic event?
What is mental prep?
This practice type is typically for the higher level athlete that practices a continuous motion repeatedly.
What is a massed practice?
This type of learning curve slows as the learner progresses.
What is negatively accelerated?
What are the 3 phases of learning?
What is Cognitive, associative, autonomous?
Causing over-confidence in an athlete is an overuse of what?
What is positive feedback?
What type of teaching method would be best to accommodate a large group of learners but has the potential to turn them into "mini me's?"
What is authoritarian/Type A?
This practice type is generally reserved for low level learners or younger athletes that get bored or fatigued easily.
What is distributed practice?
Motor control that requires large muscle groups is known as?
What is gross motor control?
Describe the qualifications of a performance.
What is a one time occurrence that is only repeatable with much practice?
What is a benefit from learners learning in a Type K environment?
What is better improvisation & long term retention.
A movement completed that has no chance to be altered once started is known as?
What is open loop control/movement?
As you learn a skill, you progress quickly at first but your rate of learning eventually levels off. After a period of time your rate of learning picks up again. This is known as....
What is a plateau?
The ability to respond rapidly to a stimulus when it appears.
What is reaction time?
The inner ear, proprioceptors and golgi tendon organs are all examples of what?
What are interoceptors?
The learning of movement skills is divided into phases. Identify the three phases of learning movement skills. Describe each phase.
What is Cognitive – early phase, beginners, teach primarily through demonstrating and visual learning, learn by trial and error, large emphasis on feedback. Associative – intermediate phase, practice and get feel of the skill. Autonomous – final phase, highly skilled, perform automatically.