99.09 ÷ 3
What is 33.03?
What is 0.8?
97.5 ÷ 6
What is 16.25
Zachary bought 6 tickets to a concert for $324. What was the cost of each ticket?
What is $54.00?
Nathaly uses 66 beads for each necklace she makes. She bought a bag of 500 beads. How many necklaces can she make?
What is 7 necklaces.
a symbol used to separate whole numbers and numbers less than one
what is decimal
What is 1,441?
one of ten equal parts
Mr. Right said that 0.9 ÷ 3 = 0.03; Is he correct? Explain WHY or WHY NOT.
What is Mr. Nelson is correct. The divided has a decimal, so the quotient has a decimal in the same place.