Name two political parties in the 1820s.
A member of the Latter Day Saints religion.
Define Manifest Destiny
A divine right to expand from coast to coast
What is another name for the Indian Removal Act
Trail of Tears
Although it might look like I belong on your toes, I'm actually hung up for gifts as every child knows.
Christmas stocking
Who won the 1824 election?
John Quincy Adams
A government permit or license is...
A Charter
Who were the men who lived in the Rocky Mtns. that were guides for Westward Movement?
Mountain Men
Which tribe resisted the Indian Removal Act?
What's the first thing elves learn in school?
The Elf-abet
How did elections change in the 1820s?
More people began voting.
A ____________ is a Mexican person who claims Texas as their home.
Which president popularized Manifest Destiny?
James K. Polk
How much of the Cherokee population was wiped out during the Trail of Tears?
Not there yesterday, and also not there tonight. There on the eve.
What led to the Panic of 1837?
Second Bank of the United States was taken down.
Why did Americans want control of Oregon Country?
Access to the Pacific Ocean
What was the name of the Cherokee tribe's leader (From the Inquiry Activity)
Chief John Ross
What bites but doesn't have any teeth?
Frost Bite
Who were the candidates for the 1824 election?
William Crawford, Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson
The United States gained access to the Pacific Ocean and the Oregon Territory northward from the northern border of California with the approval of....
Adams-Onis Treaty
What is the treaty called that was passed after the Mexican-American War?
Name the 5 civilized tribes mentioned in the notes
What do you call a snowman in July?
A puddle