Cold War Terms
Important Figures
Five Words or Less
All the Acronyms

A society in which all property is publicly owned owned by the government and all citizens works based on their physical abilities. Tis is limited economical freedoms.

What is communism?


The president responsible for creating a doctrine to give $400 million in economic and military aid to free the people of Greece and Turkey against totalitarian regimes.

Who is Harry S. Truman?


President who's assassination sparked conspiracies.

Who was John F. Kennedy?


Ten European nations joined the United States and Canada to create a military alliance for defending all members from outside attack.

What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?


President Truman pushed back against the Berlin blockade by flying and dropping supplies for West Berlin from American bomber planes.

What was the Berlin Airlift?


Because war veterans were able to settle in and create families, the population significantly increased.

What was the baby boom?


This senator from Wisconsin used the growing concern of communism to advance his political career using unsupported accusations about communism in the government.

Who was Joseph McCarthy?


Communism paranoia.

What is the Red Scare?


The peacekeeping organization formed at the end of WWII consisting of the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States.

What is the United Nations (UN)?


The metaphor used throughout the Cold War to refer to the division between the U.S allies in western Europe and the Soviet allies of Eastern Europe.

What is the "Iron Curtain?"


The American foreign policy in order to prevent the spread of communism.

What is containment?


Cartoon reptile responsible for raising awareness of nuclear destruction.

Who was Bert the Turtle 🗣 🔥🔥🔥🔥?


USSR's military alliance against NATO.

What is the Warsaw Pact?


Created to gather information on foreign governments.

What is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)?


Authorized the construction of 42,000 miles of road, linking all the nation's major cities.

What is the Highway Act?


A conflict of which opposing sides use third parties as substitutes for fighting each other.

What is a proxy war?


Battling with the United States' struggling economy, this president took the dollar off the old standard, helping devalue it relative to foreign currencies.

Who was President Richard Nixon?


$17 billion European Recovery Program.

What is the Marshall Plan?


Created to coordinate the making of foreign policy and to facilitate interagency cooperation.

What is the National Security Council (NSC)?


Banned "closed shop" union practices, allowed states to pass "right to work" laws, and allowed the president to intervene in strikes that could harm national security.

What is the Taft-Hartley Act?


States from Florida to California that attracted GIs with their warmer climate, lower taxes, and economic opportunities in defense-related industries.

What was the Sun Belt?


He was selected as NATO's first Supreme Commander.

Who was General Dwight D. Eisenhower?


Economic slowdown and high inflation.

What is stagflation?

The Soviet Union's spy agency to created to protect the country's political leadership, the supervision of border troops, and surveillance of the population.

What was the KGB?

(What KGB stood for was toooooo long bc its in Russian yk yk)


President Lyndon Johnson's plan that expanded on the New Deal which included the Food Stamp Act, Medicare, Medicaid, and an Immigration Act.

What is the Great Society Program?