The supercontinent that once exited is known as
A break in Earth's crust where rocks have slipepd past each other is called a
Who first proposed the theory of continental drift?
Alfred Wegener
A force that acts on a rock to change its shape or volume
magma collects in a pocket called
magma chamber
Earth's lithosphere is broken into separate section (pieces) called
Scientists who study the forces that make and shape the planet Earth are called
What erupts through the valley of the mid-ocean ridge? (think how new land is formed in the ocean)
molten material
a volcano that is erupting or has shown signs that it may erupt in the future is called
Fossils of tropical plants found on an island in the Arctic Ocean are evidence for Wegener's hypothesis of
Continental Drift
Anticlines and Synclines are types of
Why did scientists reject Wegener's theory?
because he could not explain the force that pushes or pulls continents
name the stress force that pulls on the crust and stretches rock
An area where magma melts through the crust in the middle of a plate is called
hot spot
The process by which ocean crust SINKS beneath the trenches
The process that continually adds new materials to the ocean floor
sea-floor spreading
In the convection current of a pan of soup, the cooler, denser fluid
sinks to the bottom
What type of fault forms when the hanging Wall moves upward past the foot wall?
reverse fault
molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water deep in Earth's mantle is called
the point on Earth's surfaace directly above an earthquakes focus is called the
the belt of volcanoes around the rim of the Pacific Ocean
Ring of Fire
A boundary where two plates slip past each other
transform boundary
Type of stress that produces a strike-slip fault
a wide, gently sloping mountain made of hardened layers of low-silica lava (what kind of volcano is this)
Shield volcano