Quotes from Congress
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Processes & Procedures
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Bills, Laws, & Elections
Congress & Committees

Read this quotation from the Constitution.

“The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.”

—Article I, Section 2, Clause 1

This quotation relates to

A. the apportionment in the House.

B. the length of a session in Congress.

C. the length of service for a representative.

D. the establishment of the Electoral College.

C. the length of service for a representative.


The BEST way to understand the expressed powers of Congress is to

A. study the ways Congress has exercised its powers.

B. study statements made by the executive branch.

C. read a description of the powers in the Constitution.

D. read about the powers that other sovereign nations have.

C. read a description of the powers in the Constitution.


If representatives in the House wish to adjourn a session for more than three days, they must seek approval from

A. the judicial branch.

B. the executive branch.

C. members of the Senate.

D. their constituents.

C. members of the Senate.


This photo shows President Obama signing a piece of legislation before members of Congress and the public.

Based on the image, what action will most likely happen next?

A. Members of Congress will meet about the legislation.

B. The President will veto the bill.

C. The bill will become a new law to be implemented.

D. The bill will be referred to a subcommittee in one chamber.

C. The bill will become a new law to be implemented.


Choose the answer that BEST completes the sentence.

The 2009 government bailout of automotive companies was an example of

A. the implied powers of State governments.

B. the expressed powers of State governments.

C. the implied powers of the Federal Government.

D. the expressed powers of the Federal Government.

C. the implied powers of the Federal Government.


Compared to the size of the House of Representatives, the Senate is

A. much smaller.

B. much larger.

C. about the same.

D. slightly larger.

A. much smaller.


Read this excerpt from the U.S. Constitution.

“To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."    

—Article I, Section 8, Clause 18

This article of the Constitution allows Congress to

A. influence how the judicial branch interprets laws.

B. interpret its expressed powers broadly.

C. protect itself from overreach by the executive branch.

D. check the power of the other branches of government.

B. interpret its expressed powers broadly.


Which statement BEST characterizes the implied powers of the Federal Government?

A. They are explicitly given to Congress in the United States Constitution.

B. They are sensible assumptions that are made based on the expressed powers.

C. They are part of the amendments that have been added to the Constitution since 1789.

D. They are the consequences of making the American government federal in form.

B. They are sensible assumptions that are made based on the expressed powers.


Read this excerpt from the text.

“. . . several States used the general ticket system. Under that arrangement, all of the State’s seats were filled at-large—that is, elected from the State as a whole, rather than from particular districts. Every voter could vote for a candidate for each one of the State’s seats in the House.”

What is one possible ramification of this system to elect representatives?

A. It could result in gerrymandering, which creates districts with very odd shapes.

B. It could result in the House becoming too large, which would make it unwieldy and ineffective.

C. A party with even a small majority could control all of the State’s seats in the House.

D. A minority party could have greater control over House seats than the party in the majority.

C. A party with even a small majority could control all of the State’s seats in the House.


This photo shows the President speaking before a joint session of Congress.

At such a meeting, the President is most likely

A. issuing a statement in response to a congressional hearing.

B. presiding over a declaration of war by Congress.

C. outlining policies in a State of the Union address.

D. signing a major bill just passed by Congress into law.

C. outlining policies in a State of the Union address.


What does this political cartoon suggest about congressional elections in the United States?

A. Candidates are required to give consideration to both sides of issues.

B. Candidates mostly tell the public whatever they think constituents want to hear.

C. Voters make it impossible for candidates to make up their minds on important issues.

D. Voters unfairly force candidates to take a stand on issues they might not be ready to address.

B. Candidates mostly tell the public whatever they think constituents want to hear.


In both the House and Senate, a bill introduced by a member is next

A. given a number.

B. scheduled for floor debate.

C. sent to a standing committee.

D. sent to the President.

C. sent to a standing committee.


 Use the quotation to answer the question.

“The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to [choose] three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.”    

—Article I, Section 2, Clause 3.

The number of seats later became redistributed automatically by

A. the Supreme Court’s decision in the Wesberry v. Sanders case.

B. the Supreme Court’s decision in the Powell v. McCormack case.

C. the passage of the Reapportionment Act of 1929.

D. the ratification of the 17th Amendment in 1913.

C. the passage of the Reapportionment Act of 1929.


Use the photo to select the answer that best completes the sentence below.

Members of Congress wear many different hats and play many roles during the course of their work. An important role while spending time in their home districts is that of

A. legislator.

B. federal employees.

C. committee member.

D. constituent servant.

D. constituent servant.


“The Senate will turn down such a presidential appointment if it is opposed by a senator of the President’s party from the State involved. The Senate’s observance of this unwritten rule has a significant impact on the President’s exercise of the power of appointment; in effect, this rule means that some senators virtually dictate certain presidential appointments.”

This excerpt from the text refers to

A. the impeachment process.

B. congressional hearings.

C. senatorial courtesy.

D. the seniority rule.

C. senatorial courtesy.


Use this map of congressional seats across the United States in 2010 to answer the question.

What does this map suggest about regional population change?

A. The Midwest has experienced little change in population.

B. The North, both west and east, has experienced a dramatic rise in population.

C. The Southeast has experienced a slight decline in population.

D. The South, both west and east, has experienced a slight rise in population.

D. The South, both west and east, has experienced a slight rise in population.


What are the similarities and differences of public bills and private bills?

A. Both are measures introduced by Congress, but public bills are introduced in the House, while private bills are introduced in the Senate.

B. Both are measures introduced by Congress, but public bills apply to the nation as a whole, while private bills only apply to certain people or certain places.

C. Both have the potential to become laws, but public bills are spearheaded by Congress, while private bills relate to the President’s agenda.

D. Both have the potential to become laws, but public bills are suggested by constituents, while private bills are proposed by members of Congress.

B. Both are measures introduced by Congress, but public bills apply to the nation as a whole, while private bills only apply to certain people or certain places.


A filibuster to block a vote on a bill is possible

A. only in the House, which is almost unrestrained.

B. only in the Senate, which is almost unrestrained.

C. mostly in the House, but occasionally in the Senate.

D. mostly in the Senate, but occasionally in the House.

B. only in the Senate, which is almost unrestrained.


Read this quotation from the Constitution.

“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To borrow Money on the credit of the United States; To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; . . .”

—Article I, Section 8.

This section of the Constitution falls underexpressed powers related to

A. the subject of bankruptcy.

B. territories and other areas.

C. trade and borrowing.

D. the role of Congress in foreign policy

C. trade and borrowing.


The War Powers Resolution impacted the power-sharing arrangement between Congress and the President on the issues of war and national defense by

A. putting some restrictions on the President’s power to commit American troops to combat.

B. making the President the commander in chief of the armed forces.

C. giving Congress the power to call forth the National Guard.

D. forbidding the President from declaring war against another nation.

A. putting some restrictions on the President’s power to commit American troops to combat.


 Read this excerpt from the text.

“The clerk calls the chamber to order and checks the roll of representatives elect. Those members-to-be then choose a Speaker, who will be their permanent presiding officer. By custom, the Speaker is a longstanding member of the majority party, and election on the floor is only a formality. The majority party’s members in the House have settled the matter beforehand.”

This excerpt describes

A. opening day in the House.

B. opening day in the Senate.

C. the State of the Union address.

D. a meeting of the House Rules Committee.

A. opening day in the House.


Use the cartoon to choose the answer that best completes the sentence.

This political cartoon suggests that Senate investigations

A. would be less painful if they were handled by standing committees instead.

B. should only be undertaken in matters related to national security.

C. are not worth the time they require and the hardships they create.

D. are so rigorous and thorough that the process can be painful.

D. are so rigorous and thorough that the process can be painful.


Congress is called upon to exercise its electoral duties under which of the following circumstances?

A. when no presidential candidate wins a majority of electoral votes

B. when a President is impeached

C. when the State legislatures question election results

D. when the results of a State election are challenged

A. when no presidential candidate wins a majority of electoral votes


Read this excerpt from the text.

“Most of the thousands of bills introduced in each session of Congress are pigeonholed. That is, they are buried; they die in committee. They are simply put away, never to be acted upon. The term comes from the old-fashioned, roll-top desks with pigeonholes—slots into which papers were put and often soon forgotten.”

What is the main explanation for this occurrence?

A. It is very difficult to reach a consensus on most congressional subcommittees.

B. Floor leaders rarely take part in committee meetings when a bill is on the agenda.

C. The gridlock in Congress has become too difficult to surmount and many bills fall through the cracks as a result.

D. Many bills are introduced on behalf of a constituent and not because the senator or representative feels strongly about it.

D. Many bills are introduced on behalf of a constituent and not because the senator or representative feels strongly about it.


Read this excerpt from the text about the borrowing power of Congress.

“Congress has put a statutory ceiling on the public debt, however. The public debt is all of the money borrowed by the Federal Government over the years and not yet repaid, plus the accumulated interest on that money. That legal ceiling has never amounted to much more than a political gesture, however. Congress regularly raises the limit whenever the debt threatens to overtake it.”

What is the BEST explanation of the debt ceiling?

A. It is an unreachable goal for lowering debt within the Federal Government.

B. It primarily relates to money that Congress will borrow and pay in the future.

C. It is an arbitrary limit that has no relation to the amount of money Congress currently owes.

D. It can be moved by Congress whenever it seems politically necessary.

D. It can be moved by Congress whenever it seems politically necessary.


What is the significance of the Supreme Court’s decision in the Gibbons v. Ogden case?

A.  It limited Congress’s ability to regulate interstate and international trade.

B. It shaped how the Necessary and Proper Clause has been interpreted since 1819.

C. It resulted in the creation of a new statute that became known as the Commerce Clause.

D. It resulted in an expansive interpretation of the Commerce Clause.

D. It resulted in an expansive interpretation of the Commerce Clause.


Read this quote from a speech given by Speaker of the House John Boehner about a bill on the floor.

“Now, the bill before us still isn’t perfect. No member would argue that it is. It’s imperfect because it reflects an honest and sincere effort to end this crisis by sending a bill over to the Senate that at one time was agreed to by the bipartisan leadership of the United States Senate. And to my colleagues in the Senate, if they were here, I would say this: if this bill passes, this House has sent you not one, but two different bills to cut spending by trillions of dollars over the next decade while providing an immediate increase in the debt ceiling. And to the American people, I would say: we’ve tried our level best. We’ve done everything we can to find a common-sense solution that could pass both houses of Congress and end this crisis. . . .” 

—Speaker John Boehner

What does this suggest about the Speaker’s influence?

A. The Speaker has little influence on the drafting of bills and typically puts imperfect bills on the floor for a vote.

B. The Speaker has much more influence in the House than the Senate Majority Leader has in the upper chamber.

C. Sometimes, a Speaker has to use his or her influence to reach a compromise between both chambers.

D. The Speaker can dictate the legislative agenda of both the House and the Senate.

C. Sometimes, a Speaker has to use his or her influence to reach a compromise between both chambers.


  Use the chart to choose the answer that BEST completes the sentence.

Representation in Congress is closest to the general population in terms of


B. ethnicity.

C. gender.

D. profession.

B. ethnicity.


When a bill is engrossed, it is

A. printed in its final form.

B. scheduled for debate on the House floor.

C. put to a vote.

D. sent to the President.

A. printed in its final form.


Unlike a conference committee, a joint committee

A. works out a compromise bill between the House and Senate versions of a bill.

B. is composed of members of both houses.

C. is set up to serve a temporary purpose.

D. is investigative in nature.

B. is composed of members of both houses.