Active Listening
Steps in Conversation
Topic maintenance
On or Off-Topic?
Conversational Turns

What is active listening?

Showing the speaker that you're paying attention.


What's the first step in a conversation?

Saying hello


What's topic maintenance?

Staying on topic in a conversation


Person A: I can't wait to watch the Manchester City game!

Person B: That sounds exciting, what team are they playing?

Person A: I'm going to watch the game with my friend.

Off topic


What's conversational turns?

Making sure that everyone gets an equal turn to talk


What's one example of active listening?

Looking at speaker, thinking about what they're saying, asking for clarification


What's the second step in a conversation?

Choosing a topic


What's a follow up?

Asking questions/making comments on what someone else is saying


Person A: I went to college earlier.

Person B: What kinds of classes are you taking?

Person A: I'm taking math, English, and a PE class.

On topic


Is this an example of turn taking?

Person A: I love watching soccer. It's fun cheering for my favorite team. I really like getting to celebrate after if they win. But if they lose, that's okay too. Do you like watching soccer?

Person B: I do, too.

Yes and no... Person B waited until person A was done talking to speak. 

However- Person A did not talk an equal share of the conversation.


Is this an example of active listening?

Person A: I went to the store last night.

Person B: What did you get at the store?

Yes! Person B asked a question to learn more about what Person A just said.


What's the third step of a conversation?

Active Listening/paying attention


What's one tip for maintaining the topic?

Ask open-ended questions, show interest, share your own experiences, ask follow up questions, stay flexible


Person A: What are you excited for this year?

Person B: I'm excited to go travel to Ireland.

Person A: I don't travel much, that sounds cool!

On topic

What is an example of NOT taking turns in a conversation?

Interrupting someone, talking too little/too much, not listening to someone


Is this an example of active listening?

Person A: What did you do this weekend?

Person B: I went bowling with some friends.

Person A: I like going to college.

No. Person A didn't listen and respond to Person B's response.


What's the fourth step of a conversation?

Saying goodbye


What should you do if you catch yourself going off-topic?

Back up to what the other person was saying! Ask them to repeat themselves if you forget what the original topic was.


Person A: What's your favorite hobby that you like to do?

Person B: I love playing video games. What about you?

Person A: I like playing video games too! I really like eating pasta.

Off-topic: Switched topics too fast, even though they answered Person B's question.


Is this an example of turn-taking in a conversation?

Person A: Did you see the new Porsche car that they released?

Person B:

No- Person B didn't respond!


Person A and Person B are having a conversation. Person A is not looking at Person B while they're talking. Is this practicing active listening skills?

No- looking at whoever is talking is a key active listening skill.


What should you say if you're uninterested in the topic of conversation?

Ask to learn more about the topic, switch topics- any polite response.


What went wrong in this conversation?

Person A: What's your favorite sports team?

Person B: I really like Ferrari F8's. I like the red ones because red is my favorite color and they look really cool. Have you seen them before? They're really fast, too.

Person B was off-topic, and they didn't give person A room to talk. They had more than their share of the conversation.


Person A: Did you see the new soccer jerseys for this season?

Person B: No, I haven't. What do you think of them?

Person A: I really like them!

Person B: I really like going to the movies.

Off topic


Is this an appropriate example of turn taking?

Person A: I really like red Ferraris.

Person B: I like watching movies.

Yes- appropriate turn-taking. But, it's off topic.