Mount Sinai
Where the Torah was received
what is the meaning of the Hebrew root kadosh?
Shema Yisrael
What prayer does the leader say and the congregation repeat when they Torah is taken out of the ark?
What is the Hebrew word for father used in Av Harachamim?
the letter "hey"
Which Hebrew letter is the prefix meaning the
The Torah/Continuous Revelation
It is given every day
bet. reysh. chaf.
The root word for barukh, barchu, etc.
What is the prayer said while the ark is opened?
Ein Kamocha
The Hebrew phrases that means there is no one like you. It is refering to God.
the letter "mem"
Which Hebrew letter is the prefix that means from
stand and lift their pinky
When the Torah is lifed (hagbah), what does the congregation do?
yud. reysh. hey
The root word the means taught or teaching
Ain Kamocha and Av Harachaim
word and thing
What does the Hebrew word devar mean?
the letter "vav"
Which Hebrew letter is the prefix meaning and?
The Torah is a tree of life
What is the theme of the eitz chayim hi prayer?
Reysh. tzadi. Hey.
The root word meaning want or desire
the blessings before and after eating
The blessings before and after a Torah reading are like which other two blessings.
How do you say our God in Hebrew?
The letter "bet"
What is the Hebrew prefix that means in?
because the Jews stood as the Torah was given
Why do we stand for the Torah service
nun. tet. nun.
What shoresh means give?
What is the prayer said to bless someone who has come up to have an aliyah to the Torah?
What is the Hebrew word for mountain?
which Hebrew prefix means to or for?