What is the meaning of Adam?
Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
Who could perform rituals?
What does "Numbers" mean?
In the wilderness
How many sermons did Moses give?
What did Cain and Abel do?
Cain was a farmer who worked the soil, and Abel was a shepherd who cared for flocks; they both offered sacrifices to God, but only Abel's was accepted, leading to conflict between them.
What is the Tabernacle?
A place where God dwells with His people.
Name one sacred festival.
How long did the Israelites wander?
40 years
What is the "Shema"?
A Jewish prayer, center of their faith, declares their commitment to love God as the only one.
What was the covenant God make to Noah?
Never destroy the world with flood again
What are the 10 Commandments?
You shall have no other gods.
You shall not worship idols.
You shall not use the Lord’s name in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day.
Honour your father and mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not lie.
You shall not covet your neighbors’ possessions.
What is the Day of Atonement?
This dual ritual emphasized both the cost of sin (sacrifice) and God's mercy in removing guilt (scapegoat).
Who got to enter the Promised Land?
2nd generations of Israel, under the age 20
Joshua and Caleb
Who leads the new generation?
Which son of Jacob saved Egypt from famine?
What miracle allowed the Israelites to escape Egypt?
The Red Sea apart
Name the three ways to live in God's presence.
1. Riturals
2. Priesthoods
3. Purity
What happened at Paran?
12 spies to the Promised Land, 10 came back with a negative report
Why was Moses not allowed to enter the Promised Land?
He disobeyed God by striking the rock instead of obeying God's instructions.
What kinds of sins did the story of Joseph include?
favoritism, lying, jealousy
What are covenants?
Covenants are solemn promises made between God and His people, accompanied by specific commitments, blessings, and responsibilities.
Why is Leviticus significant for Israel's worship?
they build a tabernacle for people to bring sacrifices
What were Israelites famous for in their journey to the Promised Land?
What was Moses' final message in Deuteronomy?
Make choices between life and death. Obey the Lord will lead to blessings. Disobey God will lead to curses.