Individual/Bio Trivia
Society History
Collective Torch Trivia
Torch Traditions
Class of 2025
Delegation Moments

Which two members of Torch went to high school together?

Ije and Esha

According to Wikipedia, who are two of our (in)famous alumni?
George H.W. Bush and William F. Buckley 

Torch has quite a reputation. What are the two phrases that other people have used to describe us this year and the last?

"Upright and off-the-floor"

"Woke DEI society"


What is Torch's motto and what does it mean?

Simus lux obscuro en mundo— Let us be light in a dark world


What were Torch's two group costumes for Halloween this year? Double points if you remember which parties we wore each costume to. 

Blue Man Group @ Iris/Cage+Feather and Magic Mike @ Luther/Manuscript


How many enemas did Alex get in one day while studying abroad in Kazakhstan? 



When was Torch Honor Society founded? (year is ok)

March 7, 1916


How many TOOTers-in-STEM are there? Name them.

Five: Ije, Chloe, Jason, Alika, Simona


What is Torch's Halloween tradition?

To carve and deliver pumpkins to other societies :)


For our fall retreat, we were graciously hosted by Amal at her family's socialist commune. What town was the commune in question located in? 

Putnam Valley, NY 


In the introduction video to his Michigan host family, what did Tim say was his favorite fruit?

A grapefruit


What year did Torch lose their meeting room in SSS 414? Why? (need both correct answers for full points)

In 2003, we were indefinitely kicked out of SSS for a too-rowdy tap night


What are all the performance groups TOOters are currently a part of?

Dzana (Ije), The Good Show (Esha), Sabrosura (Jason), Marimband (Nara), Yale Symphony Orchestra (Adam)


How is it customary to end each society meeting?

With three knocks and our motto— simus lux obscuro en mundo!


Where did Torch first play Bunny, Bunny / Kumcha together?

At the Aurelian mixer in Alika's backyard


In high school, Chloe worked at a food establishment called Sweet Nel's. Name the four different diverse offerings on Sweet Nel's menu.

Gelato, ice cream, coffee, greek pastries 


Which years were Torch dissolved and then re-established as a senior society?

Dissolved in 1963 because we were woke, reestablished as a senior society in 1994/95


How many TOOTers are first-generation Americans/ have parents who immigrated to the US?

7: Nara, Jason, Ije, Carlos, Alika, Esha, Simona


What are the three parts to our society symbol? Double points if you know what they represent.

1. uplifted Torch with an upwards flame— enlightening leadership + beneficient service

2. Circle— equality and camaraderie 

3. Numeral X— initial class of 10 members 


What gift did Jason bring for Torch White Elephant? 

A Torch Sonny Angel 


Sam is a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. What item of AKA paraphernalia does Nara's Korean mother own?

A pink and green AKA umbrella


Before Henry Li and John Goldstein discovered the Torch Honor Society in the archives at Sterling, they attempted to revive a sophomore secret society called "Torch and Mask." Which two decades were Torch and Mask active? 

1864 - 1879


Collectively, Torch speaks thirteen different languages. Name them. 

English (1), Spanish (2), French (3), Italian (4), Portuguese (5), German (6), Russian (7), Japanese (8), Mandarin (9), Korean (10), Bengali (11), Hindi (12), Igbo (13)


What are the five principles of Torch? or

Where are the five places that light and truth dwell? 

1. Light and truth dwell in my head and mind 

2. Light and truth dwell in my eyes and what I see

3. Light and truth dwell in my mouth and what I say

4. Light and truth dwell in my heart and what I think

5. Light and truth preside at my death and beyond


What dessert did Alika make for Torch Friendsgiving?

Dark chocolate and sea salt cake