If you see a tornado, should you go inside or outside?
Go inside
A Toronto is what type of storm?
Wind storm
The sky may turn what color before a tornado?
Green or dark grey
What are people called who chase tornadoes?
Tornado chasers
The safest place in a house during a tornado is...
The Basement
Tornadoes are shaped like a...
Tornadoes always come with rain
Can tornadoes pick up cars?
Tornados happen mostly in which country?
The windows should stay open during tornadoes?
Tornadoes touch both the ________ and the ___________
Ground and sky
What shape do tornadoes make in the sky?
Name one state a tornado can occur in?
Texas, Oklahoma, kanas, Nebraska, Alabama, etc
What is a tornado warning?
When a tornado has been spotted
What should you cover your head with during a tornado?
Your hands or a pillow
Tornadoes can happen over water
If you see a tornado, what should you do?
Get to safety
If you have no shelter, where should you go if there is a tornado?
Lie in a ditch
Name a movie with a tornado in it
Wizard of Oz, Twister
Name one thing you should do if you hear a tornado siren?
Go to a safe place
What colors can tornadoes be?
Grey, black, brown or white
What storm happens after a tornado occurs?
Act out what you would do in a tornado drill
Kids demonstrate getting to a safe spot