What branch # do we work at?
Branch 16
This Spring holiday is popular for pranksters.
April Fool's Day
***Daily Double***
The first African American to play in the MLB?
Jackie Robinson
What gets wet when its drying?
A Towel
A person who takes responsibility for moving the team forward
How many alcoholic beverages can you expense on a meal?
Which season comes before Spring?
Who was the First Black President of the United States
Barak Obama
What has a head and a tail but no body?
A coin
A solution that's not totally satisfying to anyone, but that everyone can live with
How much money does Toromont reimburse for Met guard safety boots?
245$ plus tax
This spreads through the air from flowers and trees, and causes Spring allergies.
This R&B legend was killed by his father over a dispute about money.
Marvin Gaye
I shave every day but my beard stays the same. What am I?
A barber
Putting in ones opinion..
What street address is our head office on?
Address: 3131 Hwy 7, Concord, ON L4K 5Z5
Due to daylight savings time, clocks do this during the spring.
spring forward
What year did Martin Luther King Jr. give his “I Have A Dream Speech”?
Sept. 9, 1965
What question can you never answer yes to
Are you asleep yet
Continued attempts in something...
***Daily double***
Name one of Toromont's company values?
Our Values
Name one holiday that falls in Spring this year! (March to May)
St. Patrick's Day, Ramadan, Easter, Earth Day, Mother's Day, Passover, May Day, Memorial Day
The first African American actress to win an Academy Award for best actress.
Halle Berry
I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I?
your breath
An act or instance of working together for a common purpose or goal....