Notable Terms
Notable Theorists/Theories
Information and Resources
Inventories/ Assessments
Career Counseling for Students of all ages
A formal relationship in which a professional counselor assists a client or group of clients to cope more effectively with career concerns through: establishing rapport, assessing client concerns, establishing goals, intervening in effective ways, and evaluating client progress.
What is career counseling?
This theorist developed lifespan, life-space theory, which includes three elements: -life span -life space -self-concept
Who is Donald Super?
This has become the foundational source for occupational information. It gives detailed descriptions of more than 1100 occupational groups related to the content and context of work. There are also opportunities for users to conduct a skill search to assess their own skills and relate them to occupations within the database.
What is the O*Net classification system?
the use of any formal or informal technique or instrument to collect data about a client.
What is assessment?
A developmental and educational process within a school system.
What is vocational guidance?
This perspective asserts that career development interventions should be the same for both minority and majority groups.
What is the etic [universal] perspective?
The father of vocational guidance. He outlined a systematic approach to decision making that is labeled true reasoning, which reflect an emphasis on testing clients, providing them with occupational information, and advising them as to which occupational choices seemed to offer a reasonable chance for experiencing occupational success.
Who is Frank Parsons?
Now known as the States' Career Clusters. Each cluster has a page on this Web site and each contains information on careers, affiliated student leadership organizations, education and training options for entry level through professional level occupations in a broad industry area.
What is the Department of Education Career Clusters?
R-I-A-S-E-C [realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, & conventional]
What is strong interest inventory?
The following are developmental tasks for what age group? -achieve new and more sophisticated relations with peers, -achieve emotional independence from parents and other adults -Set vocational goals -Prepare for romantic relationships/family life Set realistic goals and make plans for achieving these goals
What are middle schoolers?
They can affect career choice and development if not identified and removed.
What are irrational beliefs?
realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. The more a person resembles any particular personality type, the more likely it is that the person will manifest the behaviors and traits associated with that type. Environments can be described using the same types.
What are Holland's six personality types?
Courses, workshops, and seminars -- structured group experiences on topics such as career decision making, career planning, and job search skills
What are career services?
Based on Holland's work, a self-administered, self-scored, self-interpreted assessment to match Holland's 6 types. It can be used with high school students, college students, and adults.
What is the Self-Directed Search (SDS)?
According to Super (1957), the essential tasks are crystallizing, specifying educational preferences, and implementing tentative career choices.
What is high school?
This perspective asserts that career development interventions should be developed specific to a client's culture.
What is emic [culturally-specific] perspective?
Developed based closely to a theory of Bandura by Krumboltz, it includes four factors influence career decisions: genetic endowment and special abilities, environmental conditions and events, instrumental and associative learning experiences, and task approach skills.
What is the social learning theory of career counseling?
Provides guidelines for career counselors to assist students advance in their career and educational planning.
What is American School Counselor Association?
This assessment is designed to measure interest in 6 Holland-like occupational clusters or the states' 16 career clusters; also compares the profile of the inventory taker with those of more than 2000 other individuals and identifies/describes the specific jobs of the top matches. Can be used with high school students and up.
What is the Kuder Career Search with Person Match?
Careers unfold and develop throughout the life span. For children and adolescents, school and leisure activities are their work.
What is elementary school?
suggests that clients learn to approach the future with a positive attitude and with the curiosity and optimism to produce positive results from unplanned events
What is Happenstance Approach Theory?
Developed by Savickas, it incorporates three differing perspectives (differential, developmental, & dynamic) and asserts that individuals construct their careers by imposing meaning on their vocational behaviors and occupational experiences.
What is career construction theory?
Kuder and DISCOVER are examples of these.
What are career planning systems?
It has the following characteristics: • Known validity (evidence that the instrument measures what it claims to measure). • Known reliability (evidence that a given person will respond to items in a very similar fashion if the inventory is taken again) • Fairness related to diversity (evidence that the instrument has been studied with a population as diverse as the one to which it will be administered; or a statement that its application may be limited because it was not studied with a diverse population). • One or more measures of comparison, either rank-ordering the attributes it measures for the examinee or comparing these attributes with those of others judged to be similar to the examinee.
What is formal assessment?
This involves: the skills to maintain a positive self-concept, the skills to maintain effective behaviors, and understanding developmental changes and transitions.
What is self-knowledge?