Context Clues
Figurative Language
Tracking an Argument
Developing Characters

Part A

Read this sentence from the passage.

“I could almost envision the fires burning around us while we walked, as if they were on a video screen.”

(paragraph 5)

What does the word envision mean as it is used in the sentence?

A see

B feel

C hear

D smell

5. Part B

Which phrase from the sentence supports the answer in Part A?

A “could almost”

B “video screen”

C “while we walked”

D “fires burning around us”

A see

B “video screen”


Read this sentence from the passage.

“Can you imagine trying to set up a tent for the first time with the blustering wind trying to yank the tent out of your hands?” (paragraph 5)

Why does the author use the personification phrase “wind trying to yank” in the sentence above?

A To show that the hidden wind might prevent you from setting up your tent.

B To show that if the wind is strong it might prevent you from quickly setting up your tent.

C To show that the wind is unexpected and could cause problems in setting up your tent.

D To show that you must be creative or good with your hands to set up your tent if it is windy.

B To show that if the wind is strong it might prevent you from quickly setting up your tent.


There is no place for bottled water in most U.S. schools. At the beginning of each school year, every student should be assigned a reusable personal water bottle. These water bottles can travel with students to gym class, the cafeteria, and so on. Students can fill their bottles with tap water fountains and quench their thirst anytime. This practice will make American schools greener and healthier. How?

Why is the first paragraph important to the author’s argument?

A It explains that tap water is just as healthy as bottled water.

B It details how personal water bottles will make schools greener and healthier.

C It presents three main areas in which personal water bottles will help the environment.

D It introduces the claim that personal water bottles will make schools greener and healthier.

D It introduces the claim that personal water bottles will make schools greener and healthier.


      “I think our project should be to volunteer at the animal shelter,” she said. “It’s a great way to contribute to the community, and it will be fun. Of course, that’s just one suggestion. I’m going to write down everybody’s ideas. But, Theo,” she added, staring straight at me, “I really don’t think the town needs a new baseball diamond.”

    Amazing! How did she know what I was going to suggest?

Which statement explains how the narrator shows that Iman knows him well in Passage 1.

A Iman is the note taker for the group.

B Iman is friends with the group members.

C Iman is aware of the interests of each group member.

D Iman is certain he will suggest something to do with sports.

2. Part B

Which sentence from the story supports the answer in Part A?

A “All she ever thought about was animals.” (paragraph 3)

B “‘I’m going to write down everybody’s ideas.’” (paragraph 7)

C “How did she know what I was going to suggest?” (paragraph 8)

D “‘What about helping wild animals?’ he said.” (paragraph 9)

D Iman is certain he will suggest something to do with sports.

C “How did she know what I was going to suggest?” (paragraph 8)


How does the brochure cover add meaning to the text? 

Photo Description: The title says "Peanut and Peanut Butter Recipes with a bowl, and a line of peanuts in front of the bowl. 

A As a secondary source, the brochure cover shows no relationship to the text.

B As a primary source, the brochure cover shows how the farmers spent their time.

C As a secondary source, the brochure cover contrasts the knowledge gained in the text.

D As a primary source, the brochure cover shows one way that the researchers, like Carver, attempted to help people know what to do with their peanut crop.

D As a primary source, the brochure cover shows one way that the researchers, like Carver, attempted to help people know what to do with their peanut crop.


Read this sentence from the passage.

“Maddie knows that the torrential rain of a hurricane often causes flooding.” (paragraph 1)

What does torrential mean as used in the sentence?

A severe

B faraway

C scattered

D upcoming

A severe


This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.

Part A

Read this sentence from the passage.

“The right sleeping bag will wrap its arms around your body and insulate you during cold nights.”

(paragraph 4)

What does insulate mean as it is used in the sentence?

A relax

B arrange

C include

D protect

11. Part B

How does the personification phrase in Part A contribute to the meaning of the passage?

A The right sleeping bag will keep you safe and comfortable.

B The right equipment will keep you dry during your camping trip.

C The sleeping pads will help you keep your body heat while sleeping on the ground.

D The nights will be cold and you will need a larger tent to protect you while you are camping.

D protect

A The right sleeping bag will keep you safe and comfortable.


Which sentence explains how Iman’s perspective is different from the speaker’s in paragraph 7?

“I think our project should be to volunteer at the animal shelter,” she said. “It’s a great way to contribute to the community, and it will be fun. Of course, that’s just one suggestion. I’m going to write down everybody’s ideas. But, Theo,” she added, staring straight at me, “I really don’t think the town needs a new baseball diamond.”

A The speaker wants to find new group members while Iman wants to volunteer at the shelter.

B Iman wants to do the class project with animals and the speaker wants to do something outdoors.

C Iman wants to volunteer at the shelter and Cally wants to draw the animals they are volunteering with.

D Max wanted to help animals in the wild to cross the roads while Iman thought it best to volunteer at the shelter.

B Iman wants to do the class project with animals and the speaker wants to do something outdoors.


3. How do the photograph and caption contribute to an understanding of the passage?

A They show how Carver became interested in the field of agriculture.

B They show proof that Carver was highly respected in the field of agriculture..

C They show primary source proof that Carver overcame many challenges in his lifetime

D They show primary source proof that Carver had a team of researchers to assist him in his work.

D They show primary source proof that Carver had a team of researchers to assist him in his work.


Read this sentence from the passage.

Lately she has heard them talking about saving on expenses .” (paragraph 5)

Which word from the sentence provides a clue to the meaning of expenses?

A lately

B heard

C talking

D saving

D saving


Read this sentence from Passage 2.

“When alarm sirens told them that a tornado had actually been spotted nearby, they moved quickly

into basements and storm shelters as the tornado made its steady approach, chasing the town

down like a hunter after his prey.” (paragraph 2)

Why does the author use the phrase “chasing the town down like a hunter after his prey” in the

sentence above?

A To show how fast the storm arrived.

B To show a reason to sound the alarms.

C To show how scary hunters are when hunting.

D To show how basements are a good place to hide.

A To show how fast the storm arrived.


Central Message: We should be creating smarter cars for cleaner air. 

Which claim from the passage expresses the author’s central message?

A “Although gas powered cars have given us the convenience of easy travel, the pollution they

cause is a serious consequence.” (paragraph 2)

B “One specific type of hybrid is especially green.” (paragraph 4)

C “Hybrids do not require a huge lifestyle change for drivers.” (paragraph 6)

D “Hybrid cars are the best choice to reduce air pollution around the world.” (paragraph 7)

D “Hybrid cars are the best choice to reduce air pollution around the world.” (paragraph 7)


How is Jada’s text message to Shania an important event in the passage?

After we left, we talked in the car about the Everglades and how different it was from where we lived. Suddenly, right in the middle of our discussion, I heard a familiar tone from my phone. My friend Jada was sending me a text. Without thinking, I reached for my phone, but then I put it back down.

A It shows that Shania has many friends.

B It shows that Shania and her friends miss each other.

C It shows that Shania changed her attitude about camping.

D It shows that Shania is connected to technology even in nature.

C It shows that Shania changed her attitude about camping.


Read this sentence from Passage 2.

“When alarm sirens told them that a tornado had actually been spotted nearby, they moved quickly into basements and storm shelters as the tornado made its steady approach, chasing the town down like a hunter after his prey.” (paragraph 2)

Why does the author use the phrase “chasing the town down like a hunter after his prey” in the sentence above?

A To show how fast the storm arrived.

B To show a reason to sound the alarms.

C To show how scary hunters are when hunting.

D To show how basements are a good place to hide.

A To show how fast the storm arrived.


Read this sentence from the passage.

“When Mr. Simmons asked me to make a flower bed in a small corner of his spacious backyard, my heart dropped.” (paragraph 3)

What is the meaning of spacious as it is used in this sentence?

A large

B local

C lovely

D likable

Part B

Which clue in the sentence supports the answer in Part A?

A “in a small corner”

B “my heart dropped”

C “to make a flower bed”

D “When Mr . Simmons asked”

A large

A “in a small corner”


This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.

Part A

What does the author mean by saying that an overhead strike “leads to the

ball blasting off like a rocket”? (paragraph 2)

A The serve can be dangerous.

B The ball moves with great force.

C The ball moves as quickly as a rocket.

D The ball moves straight up in the air.

3. Part B

Why is this description of the ball important?

A It shows that volleyball is a quick game to learn.

B It shows that an overhead serve is easy for players to return.

C It shows that an overhead serve is a powerful move worth learning.

D It shows that only adults should attempt to learn how to overhead serve.

B The ball moves with great force.

C It shows that an overhead serve is a powerful move worth learning.


Based on the evidence in “How Hybrid Cars Work”, select 3 pieces of evidence that support the author’s claim that hybrid cars save our natural resources.

A “The transmission uses the engine’s power to turn the wheels on the car.” (paragraph 2)

B “Gas- powered cars and electric cars have their own set of issues, though.” (paragraph 3)

C “The driver starts the hybrid and presses down on the gas pedal, the car uses power from the electric motor to accelerate.” (paragraph 4)

D “The electricity produced by the generator is then stored inside the battery.” (paragraph 4)

E “The benefit of a gas engine and an electric motor is a vehicle with lower emissions and more fuel efficiency.” (paragraph 5)

C “The driver starts the hybrid and presses down on the gas pedal, the car uses power from the electric motor to accelerate.” (paragraph 4)

D “The electricity produced by the generator is then stored inside the battery.” (paragraph 4)

E “The benefit of a gas engine and an electric motor is a vehicle with lower emissions and more fuel efficiency.” (paragraph 5)


Which sentence from the passage supports the theme that we can learn from events in the past?

A “The elder marmosets spoke of times when finding fruit was difficult.” (paragraph 2)

B “Soon, Marmoset’s storage place was full, and Marmoset smiled with contentment.”

(paragraph 4)

C “Then he remembered the storage place of his friend, Marmoset.” (paragraph 7)

D “Spider Monkey swung through the trees to find Marmoset, who was resting near his storage

place.” (paragraph 8)

A “The elder marmosets spoke of times when finding fruit was difficult.” (paragraph 2)


What is the purpose of the first stanza?

The darkened sky recedes at dawn.

Black ocean turns to blue.

A distant sound breaks through the air

As dolphins come into view.

A It expresses the poem’s setting.

B It expresses the narrator’s feelings.

C It expresses why the dolphin swims quickly.

D It draws attention to the dancing dolphin.

A It expresses the poem’s setting.


Read this sentence from the passage.

“Only in the past ten years did I begin to understand the value of delegating tasks to my employees—because I can’t do everything on my own.” (paragraph 7)

What is the meaning of the delegating as it is used in the sentence?

A assigning

B creating

C teaching

D rewarding

A assigning


How does the information in paragraph 3 support the author’s perspective about intensive farming?

Over time, some of the fertilizers seep through the soil and end up in our water sources. Fertilizers can promote the growth of tiny plants and bacteria that use up most of the oxygen in the water. Fish and other creatures die because they cannot breathe. This situation is unpleasant, unacceptable, and utterly upsetting.

A by describing how fertilizers work in soil

B by giving examples of types of fertilizers

C by explaining that fertilizers help crops grow

D by showing how fertilizers harm the environment

D by showing how fertilizers harm the environment


Which sentence from the passage shows why intensive farming is a good way to feed people.

A “Farmers use sophisticated machines, such as combine harvesters.” (paragraph 3)

B “With intensive farming, a field that once grew food for ten people can now feed one Hundred.” (paragraph 5)

C “These plants can be shipped long distances and stay fresh. “(paragraphs 6)

D “These advances in science help meet the goal of growing more food.” (paragraph 7)

B “With intensive farming, a field that once grew food for ten people can now feed one Hundred.” (paragraph 5)


Read this hyperbole from the passage.

“Jumping higher than shooting stars,” (line 11)

Which idea is the author expressing?

A Most dolphins jump high into a storm.

B It’s only at night when dolphins can be seen jumping.

C When dolphins dive, they sound like a shot in the sky.

D Watching dolphins jump is like watching shooting stars in the sky.

D Watching dolphins jump is like watching shooting stars in the sky.


Read the lines from the passage.

“Like birds on air they rise and jump,

Light dancing off their skin.

They squeak and chatter through the waves.

They leap, they chase, they spin.” (lines 5-8)

What do the descriptive words in the stanza help readers visualize about


A how they have wet skin

B how they are like birds

C how they look and move

D how they move in waves

C how they look and move