What EOP is used when you issue the early pay (EP)?
What letter is sent to the customer with the initial settlement figures and paperwork instructions?
What resource do you have that has all of your templates?
TL One Note
When do you request LH payoff? (What step?)
Step 9 after your manager has approved your settlement figures?
For TL claims, when do you refer to subrogation?
After 1st payment is made
What EOP is used if you are issuing only 1 total loss payment on the claim?
What letter is sent to the customer if the settlement amount changes?
TL 14
What template do you use to document your conversation when you settle with the customer?
Settlement Call Macro
What 3 things need to be done before you refer to salvage?
Settle the TL
Release the vehicle
Send the paperwork
What type of contact is required for all settlements?
Attempt voice to voice
How much do we hold back when issuing early pay?
The salvage value or $1000, whichever is greater
Once you complete the evaluation screen
What macro do you include when issuing a LH payment?
LH Payment Macro
If the vehicle is at a tow yard/SOC what is required to facilitate the vehicle release?
Three-way call with the customer and the shop/tow yard to release the vehicle.
If the customer expresses concerns about the vehicles ACV, what is the first question you should ask?
What concerns you with the value of the vehicle?
What activity does salvage send us to tell us it is ok to pay the customer?
Can you email paperwork in PA?
What template do you use when you make initial contact with the customer and vehicle is a PTL?
TL First Call Blueprint
If the vehicle is at the customers home what is required to facilitate the vehicle release?
Three-way call with the customer and Copart if the car is at a residence.
What items are considered major refurbishments?
What activity does salvage send us that tells us it is ok to pay the lien holder after LOG has been requested?
Can the customer owner retain in NC?
What template do you use if an update is needed to the CCC valuation?
CCC Update Needed
For TL Vehicles - When do we complete the Get Photos Activity?
After you receive email from Copart indicating TLE 360 Complete
If the customer claims there are missed options on the CCC valuation, what documentation do you need?